Round Rock Edition | April 2023


News from Round Rock ISD

Students opting out of dyslexia courses ROUND ROCK ISD A significant number of Round Rock ISD students who qualify for dyslexia intervention are choosing not to receive services. That information came as part of a dyslexia update from the RRISD special education/504 department at a March 23 school board meeting. Even as the total number of students in the district who qualify for dyslexia services increased by 349 in January, new data from the district shows the number of students receiving services decreases at each grade level beginning with sixth grade. District Chief of Innovation Natalie Nichols said RRISD is collecting data to find out why students are declining dyslexia services. Kimberly Berry-Corie, director of dyslexia services at RRISD, said she does not yet have specific data, but she has noticed more students are choosing academic or elective courses over dyslexia intervention.

WHY THEY’RE LEAVING RRISD exit interview data presented March 23 shows there are a variety of reasons teachers are leaving the district:








Accepted another job

Family reasons/ domestic



Personal reasons

Health reasons

Return to school


District data explains reasons for teachers quitting ROUND ROCK ISD Though

uncertainties lifted. Data from an update presented March 23 shows 11.6% of teachers departed the district during the 2020-21 school year. That figure increased to 15.9% in 2021-22. Despite this increase, the turn- over rate remains lower than the regional rate of 18.8% for Central Texas educators. The 15.9% turnover rate represents a total of 548 teachers leaving the district, Curran said, compared to the 591 hired in 2022-23. Exit interview data compiled

in the 2022-23 school year shows 31% of teachers left the district for personal reasons, which Curran described as a broad category inclu- sive of many potential reasons, such as situations at home, lifestyle decisions and commuting time. The data also shows 20% of RRISD teachers left because they accepted another job, and 16% left for health-related reasons. As longer-tenured teachers retire or leave the district for other jobs, Curran said the proportion of new teachers within the district is also growing.

Round Rock ISD has experienced higher turnover during the 2021-22 school year than the 2020-21 year, the district is faring better that most others in the region with regard to teacher retention. This is according to data pre- sented at a March 23 board meeting. Eddie Curran, RRISD’s chief human resources officer, said this could be because teachers stayed at their jobs during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic while employment options were less certain then left the district as

What is the WilCo MRC? The Williamson County Medical Reserve Corps are medical and non-medical volunteers who help make our community stronger and healthier during disasters and every day to improve local emergency response capabilities, reduce potential public health risk and vulnerabilities, and build community preparedness and resilience. Who volunteers with the WilCo MRC? WilCo MRC volunteers include medical and public health professionals as well as other community members without medical or healthcare backgrounds who wish to donate their time and experience. Volunteer hours can depend on individual’s availability. What will WilCo MRC Volunteers do? The specific roles that WilCo MRC volunteers play, and activities they participate in, will depend upon the volunteer’s background, experience, interest, and skills. These activities can include:

• Community education and outreach • Community vaccination clinics • Mass dispensing efforts • And much more…

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• Emergency Shelter Operations • Emergency Mass Care response

Call now for more information on volunteering in your community! 512-248-3215 •


Williamson County & Cities Health District | 355 Texas Ave, Round Rock, TX 78644



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