Richardson | April 2022

We saw a Marine and father, not cancer. When Jason Julian needed Methodist Health System, we didn’t see cancer. We saw a veteran Marine pilot, husband, and father. After surgery and rounds of chemotherapy for colon cancer in Virginia, Jason moved to Texas. That’s when gastrointestinal oncologists on the medical staff discovered the cancer had spread to his liver, threatening his hard-fought recovery. Within days, surgeons performed robotic surgery to remove the cancer, saving his liver and helping speed his recovery. Keeping our neighbors, like Jason, flying high with

exceptional, innovative care. That’s community. And why so many people Trust Methodist.

To read Jason’s full story, scan the code

Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Methodist Richardson Medical Center, Methodist Health System, or any of its affiliated hospitals. Methodist Health System complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.

Your son is not. Space is limited. Our Summer Camp wi ll enhance your f i tness, conf idence , self-di scipl ine , and leadership ski lls. Unplug from your electronics, strengthen your muscles, improve your stamina and bui ld your conf idence wi th more than 30 outdoor events. Be one of the few who completes summer camp, the Marine Corps way, and have an experi ence of a l i fet ime ! Apply Today! » » Summe r Camp 2022 Now Acc e p t i ng App l i cat i ons Camp S e s s i on : June 25 to Ju ly 23 Op en to boys ag e s 11- 18 MARINE MILITARY ACADEMY

A Co l l e g e - Pr e p Board i ng Schoo l f or Boys i n Grade s 7- 12 »» 320 Iwo J ima B lvd . Har l i ng en , TX »» R E G I ST E R NOW F OR FA L L » MMA-TX . ORG » 956 . 423 . 6006 »» ADMI S S I ONS@MMA-TX . ORG



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