South Central Austin Edition | August 2024



Travis County leaders OK housing grant plan Travis County commissioners approved a ve-year plan for federal Community Devel- opment Block Grant funding on Aug. 6. By the numbers The county is expected to receive more than $1.6 million in CDBG funding for scal year 2024-25, and $426,704 from local and state aordable housing programs. Based on public feedback, county sta proposed improvement projects using CDBG funding over the next year: • Cardinal Hill Estates road design and construction: $1 million • Northridge Acres wastewater system: $150,000 • General infrastructure: $149,772 • Administration and planning: $324,943

Lisa Davis was conrmed as Austin’s next police chief on Aug. 6 following her appointment by City Manager T.C. Broadnax (left). She’ll succeed interim Police Chief Robin Henderson (right) in September.


Lisa Davis conrmed as new Austin police chief City Council unanimously conrmed Lisa Davis as chief of the Austin Police Department Aug. 6. The overview Davis will ocially succeed interim Police Chief Robin Henderson after the Labor Day holiday in September. She was hired on a $275,000 salary.

Davis most recently served as assistant chief in Cincinnati, and will be the second-ever permanent woman chief in Austin. Zooming in Broadnax said he picked Davis given “resound- ingly positive” feedback he received from city ocials and community members. Davis said her approach will be based on eective, equitable and ethical policing strategies, and that she’ll work to address APD’s stang shortage and ocer morale.

Austin ocials OK $5.9B city budget, tax increase Austin City Council passed a $5.9 billion budget and a 7% property tax rate increase for scal year 2024-25, in a 10-1 vote on Aug. 14. The big picture

City of Austin tax rates The city's scal year 2024-25 tax rate will be over 7% higher than the current rate, costing the owner of a median-valued home about $188 more in taxes next year. Property tax rate

$2,000 in taxes over the next year, according to city estimates. Utility charges and city fees are projected at about $3,500 in total. The spending plan includes funding for many initiatives including some aimed at homelessness, public safety, parks maintenance and climate planning. Austin’s next scal year starts in October.

$0.6 $0.5 $0.4 $0.3 $0.2 $0.1 0

$0.541 $0.5335


$0.4458 $0.4627

Council approved a tax rate of $0.4776 per $100 of property value for the upcoming scal year. The owner of a median-valued home in Austin— assessed at $524,082—can expect to pay nearly

2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 SOURCE: CITY OF AUSTINCOMMUNITY IMPACT


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