Plano North | August 2022

Water Wisely Help Plano

Water is our most precious resource, so it’s important we protect it. Landscapes use a lot of water. If we all do a small part to conserve, together we can make a big impact.

Ways to reduce outdoor water use • Reduce time of your watering at each sprinkler zone by two minutes. If you have five zones, that means a total of 10 minutes less watering. Use your controller's seasonal adjust feature to easily make the change for all zones at once. • Only water when needed and only on assigned watering days. You may not need to water if rain is in the forecast. Subscribe to for weekly watering recommendations. Twice per week watering is permitted April 1 through October 31. Once per week watering is permitted November 1 through March 31. Resident addresses with an even number (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8) as their last digit and HOA common areas water Mondays and Thursdays. Resident addresses with an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9) as their last digit water Tuesdays and Fridays. • Water early in the morning or late in the evening. Watering with sprinklers between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. is prohibited, as these are the hottest hours of the day. • Use the cycle and soak method. Run your sprinklers in short cycles and wait 30-45 minutes in between to allow grass to absorb the water. • Direct spray onto landscape. Avoid accidentally watering the fence, sidewalk, street or driveway. • Inspect your irrigation system monthly. Check for broken, damaged or missing sprinkler heads to avoid wasting water. Ensure hoses and pipes are connected properly to avoid leaks and fix any breaks. • Use compost and mulch in your yard. Compost creates nutrient rich soil that holds moisture, allows better root penetration and releases water and nutrients to plant roots. Mulch around plants keeps temperature consistent and reduces evaporation. Consider using Texas Pure Products mulch and compost – shop at • Prevent water evaporation by covering your pool. Pool covers can prevent up to 90% pool water evaporation. Visit for more guidance. See details at

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