North - Northwest Austin Edition | June 2024

Health care


Health Care Edition


Community Impact ’s annual Health Care Edition features news on the timeliest topics in the industry. Health care trends in Austin range from urgently concerning (1 million Texas children dropped from Medicaid) to innovative and exciting (MD Anderson opening in Austin in 2030.) This important annual edition wouIdn't be possible without our advertising partnerships, as we are 100% advertiser-supported. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Texas Children's Hospital, our Premium sponsor, as well as Anthology of the Arboretum and Town Square Adult Day Center. I hope this issue is informative and useful to you as you navigate your health care journey.

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Taylor Caranfa Stover General Manager tstover@

Texas Children's Hospital 7372897100 From routine visits to prenatal check- ups and preventive care, we’re ready to serve women in Austin. Book a same- day appointment at our new OB/GYN North Austin clinic today.

What's inside

Doctors ee private care as Medicare payouts lag (Page 16)

Work continues on new cancer center, hospital (Page 23)

Experts urge prevention to ght colon cancer (Page 28)

Sponsors: Anthology of The Arboretum | Town Square Adult Day Center

UT researchers use AI to create costly Alzheimer’s drug for less

From chat bots to art production, new uses for articial intelligence are blooming left and right. Now, University of Texas researchers have found a way to harness the power of AI to create an expensive Alzheimer’s medication for less. The goal The study, published in March, utilized an AI tool developed by UT post-doctoral researcher Danny Diaz to create the active ingredient in the common Alzheimer’s medication galantamine. Galantamine is typically manufactured using daodils. However, the extraction process is time-consuming and costly due to unpredictable crop yields and weather, Diaz said. Just one prescription of galantamine requires hundreds of daodils and costs around $70-$116, according to health care technology company Oracle Health. Instead of relying on daodils, Diaz said the goal of the study is to eventually use bacteria to produce the active ingredient. “The goal is to turn sugar, which is like food for the bacteria, into a pharmaceutical drug for Alzheimer’s,” said Diaz, who now leads the Deep Proteins group at the Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning. “Eventually, the hope is to

make the drug much more aordable.” How it works By genetically modifying bacteria, the researchers can essentially “program” the microbes to create the active ingredient in galan- tamine as a byproduct of its normal metabolic function. Diaz said the challenge has been creating the right instruction manual for the bacteria, which involves changing their protein structures. “There are almost innite combinations [of protein sequences] to try. ... So the AI can narrow that research space down and save time by signicantly lowering the risk of not nding something that works,” Diaz said. What’s next So far, Diaz said the team is about one-fourth of the way to completing the bacteria’s proper mutation, and he expects the study could wrap up within the next ve years. With 2024 being named UT’s “Year of AI,” the university has become involved in dozens of AI research projects and programs in recent years. Diaz said he believes AI research will have the largest impact in biotechnology and health care.

Other healthcare research from UT Austin has used AI to:

Enhance diagnostic CT Scans for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Predict and identify patients at risk for developing Type II diabetes

Assess mental health questionnaires for depression symptoms

Diagnose knee arthritis from medical images


“It’s really hard for humans to wrap their head around a lot of these

problems because they’re just so big and expensive to iterate. ... AI is going to be revolutionary in how we manufacture drugs.” DANNY DIAZ, UT POST DOCTORAL RESEARCHER



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