Bastrop - Cedar Creek Edition | May 2024



City of Bastrop resolution limits powers of mayoral office subverting the office of the mayor,” Nelson said. “I pray that hate can collectively be mitigated and we can do what is best for our city.” Eight proposed limitations

Bastrop city council limited the powers of the mayor by requiring council approval prior to the mayor’s use of city money to attend events and precluding the mayor from representing the city at public events without approval from the council. These and six further limitations were outlined in a resolution passed by city council at a special meeting on April 29. One proposed limitation—the removal of the mayor’s contact information from the city web- site—was struck from the resolution. The background The limitations follow a public reprimand from the city of Bastrop ethics commission which found that Mayor Lyle Nelson interfered with an investigation into the alleged misuse of funds by the city’s tourism arm, Visit Bastrop. Mayor Lyle Nelson stated at the meeting he had no intention to resign. “This personal vendetta will spill over into



City council voted 4-1 in favor of the resolution. “[Lyle Nelson] has not been loyal to his obli- gations to the people of Bastrop. He has placed his desire to avoid embarrassment and public atonement above his duties to taxpayers,” council member Kevin Plunkett—who voted in favor of the resolution—said at the meeting. “Worse yet, he’s asking us to do the same.” The gist The city of Bastrop operates under a weak mayor system, meaning the mayor does not have a vote unless there is a tie on council. The resolution further limits the mayor by requiring his removal from city boards, commissions, committees and task forces. The resolution can be repealed at any time with three council member votes, city officials said.

The mayor’s business trip expenses must be approved by the city council. City council must approve any funds for the mayor’s attendance at any event. The mayor shall have no official office space at city hall. Preclude city staff from scheduling or proposing the mayor speak at city or city-sponsored events. The mayor will have no unassisted access to employee-only areas in city hall. Remove the mayor’s contact information from the official city of Bastrop site. Mayor Lyle Nelson shall not serve on city boards, commissions, committees or task forces. Revoke the mayor’s designation as city spokesperson as authorized by city council.




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