The Woodlands Edition | October 2024



KEY: *Incumbent

Conroe ISD board of trustees, Position 4

Datren Wil liam s* Occupation & experience: CFO, CPA, CISD board of trustees; president, Montgomery County Women’s Center board of directors

Ja mison Gen tle Occupation & experience: small- business owner, retail store manager, eld operations manager, regional training manager

Nicole May Occupation & experience: business management, and education- specic legislative advocacy

What are the main challenges the district is now facing and how would you plan to address them?

Challenges: growth of our district, lack of state funding and school board members’ overreach. We continuously plan for our consistent growth and maintain an exemplary education for all students. Appeal to our legislatures of what is at risk in not funding our public schools. Continuously combat political and personal agendas.

The main challenges the district faces are teacher retention, balancing the budget and improving learning outcomes. I would address these challenges by strengthening our discipline policy, protecting class sizes and all positions that work directly with students, and placing the focus back on reading, writing and arithmetic.

2024-2025 $10 million overspent; balance the budget; working through the dicult conversations to make it happen. Give parents peace of mind with secure buildings and appropriate levels of security ocers for all schools. Finally, transparency in our administration about its scal reporting and clear policy guidelines to safeguard future generations.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity. For more election coverage, go to

We put our lives on the line. In return we ask for local leaders who are committed to public and firefighter safety.


Richard FRANKS for Township Position 3

Craig EISSLER for Township Position 4

Brad BAILEY for Township Position 1

Linda NELSON for Township Position 2

Please vote down ballot for The Woodlands Township elections.

VOTE EARLY: October 21 - November 1

ELECTION DAY: November 5, 2024

Political advertising paid for by Unified Fire Fighters of The Woodlands



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