TURNING 65? UNDERSTAND MEDICARE AT OUR MONTHLY SEMINARS! 3/11 & 3/25, 11:30 am - Sea Island 3/20, 2:30 pm - Golden Corral 3/27, 3:30 pm - Cooper’s BBQ Personalized Plans & Local Expertise
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CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR FREE MEDICARE PLAN REVIEW 210-460-2454 • 2090 N I-35, #4105 • medicaregalstx.com BY APPOINTMENT ONLY We are independent brokers and represent the vast majority of all plans in Texas, however we do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do represent in your area. We are contracted with 9 different insurance companies. Please contact Medicare.gov or (800) MEDICARE to get information on all your options.
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