NBISD reviews student performance
State NBISD Percent of students mastering grade level Region
Academic performance has improved in New Braunfels ISD, according to its 2023-24 Texas Aca- demic Performance Report, or TAPR. The Texas Education Code requires districts to publish the TAPR annually, which breaks down students’ State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness scores during the 2023-24 school year and demographics. By the numbers The report shows the demographic makeup of the district is predominantly Hispanic and white. Out of 9,749 total students, approximately 38.6% of students in NBISD are economically disadvantaged, whereas 62.2% of students in the state are economi- cally disadvantaged. About 37.5% of students are “at risk”—a term used to describe students who are likely to fail academi- cally or drop out of school—which is also a decrease. Digging deeper About 60% of NBISD students are meeting grade
level. The district was outperforming the state in 2021 in English language arts, science, social studies and math; however, the percentage of students in the district meeting grade level in math, science and social studies has decreased since 2021. NBISD students in the 2023-24 school year outperformed both the state and region in mastery of English language arts, science and social studies, data shows. One more thing The state is in litigation with numerous districts over accountability ratings due to concerns that changes made to how the ratings are calculated will harm districts by drastically reducing their scores, according to previous reporting by Community Impact . Although NBISD is not part of the lawsuit, the board of trustees approved a resolution in March to speak in opposition to the mid-year change to the 2022-23 school year performance ratings.
Social Studies
Reading, language arts
2024 summary of student demographics in NBISD
Hispanic 48.5% White 44.2% Two or more 3.7%
African American 1.9%
Asian 1.1%
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