Cy-Fair Edition | January 2025



CFISD names new chief academic o cer Cy-Fair ISD has named Tonya Goree as the district’s new chief academic ocer, accord- ing to a Dec. 13 news release. Goree will oversee the district’s curriculum and instruction. She replaces Linda Macias, whose retirement was e ective Dec. 31. Career history Goree, who joined CFISD in 2009, spent the last year as the assistant superintendent for elementary curriculum and instruction, leading CFISD’s pre-K through fth grade curriculum and instruction programs while supporting principals and leadership teams. Before that, she was the assistant super- intendent for school improvement and transformation from 2018-23, where she supported campuses and coached principals on improvement practices.

Monitoring progress About 12,500 elementary school students who were falling behind in reading last year are being monitored in the 2024-25 school year for progress. The data shows the percentage of students who had not caught up to grade level by the end of September.

0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

88% 90%


32% 39%

First grade

Second grade

Third grade

Fourth grade

Fifth grade


Report shows student reading progress Cy-Fair ISD is using new tools to track the progress of students in rst through fth grades who did not meet reading standards. CFISD Chief Academic Ocer Linda Macias said during the Dec. 5 board meeting the district is tracking student performance using forma- tive assessments and Amira, a reading support

program, as part of CFISD’s new strategic plan. In a nutshell Amira requires students to read aloud into a headset, and the interactive software analyzes their work. Along with Amira, the school district uses formative assessments to monitor student learning. Breaking it down One of the district’s goals focuses on getting 90% of students to meet the 50% Amira Reading Mastery score by 2029.

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