Cy-Fair Edition | January 2025

Health & wellness


Doctor breaks down bioidentical hormone replacement therapy Dr. Carrie Blades opened Blades Wellness & Aesthetics in 2017. She is certi ed in emergency medicine and has advanced training in hormone replacement therapy and functional medicine. This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity. What led you to create a business practicing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy? I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid issues as a teenager. At the time, I was told that it was something that probably ran in my family, and it was something that I would have to live with for the rest of my life. I wasn’t really oered any way to try to reverse the autoimmune issues. My autoimmune thyroid condition was so severe that by the time I was a second-year medical student, I

Farm-to-table restaurant serves homemade meals Located on a 7-acre farm between equestrian elds and Cypress homes, Season’s Harvest Cafe oers menu items based on the land’s seasonal harvest in nutrient-packed meals created by executive chef and co-owner Joanne Grith. “We wanted to oer something that’s locally sourced, is good for your body, that’s homemade,” co-owner Beket Grith said. On the menu Season’s Harvest changes its menu quarterly, oering items made with seasonal crops, fresh eggs and cheese from the farm’s goats. Menu items include stued bell peppers, lasagna made with fresh tomatoes and pesto with fresh basil. “I like to put a lot of color on each plate, and I also look at food as a supplement, so I’m looking at how our food is going to bene t [people],” Joanne Grith said.

had developed thyroid cancer. ... My own personal journey trying to gure out how to improve my own health is what led me to move from practicing emergency medicine to practicing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Can you briey explain what BHRT is? As we age, our body slowly stops producing all of our hormones. ... Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy helps a person optimize their hormones to not only get them feeling better, but also to help them be able to build lean muscle again, strengthen bone density, improve cognitive function and reduce visceral fat so that we can reduce our risk of things like cardiovascular dis- ease, dementia, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. There’s so many dierent hormonal issues that people can have symptoms of yet their labs don’t always indicate that there’s an issue. ... Acne, abnormal or irregular cycles, weight gain, insomnia, fatigue, PMS, hair loss, anxiety or depression, memory fog, concentration issues and mood changes can all be symptoms of someone who could bene t from BHRT.

Season’s Harvest grows seasonal produce including squash, tomatoes, peppers and greens.






10242 Greenhouse Road, Ste. 201, Cypress

17303 Shaw Road, Cypress

Joanne and Beket Grith opened Season’s Harvest 14 years ago and continue to expand the business.

HUFFMEISTER 8945 Hwy 6 N (281) 859-5879 SPRING CYPRESS 22508 Hwy 249 (281) 379-7383

BARKER CYPRESS 17996 FM 529 (281) 656-4200 JONES ROAD 17414 NW Fwy (713) 983-8827

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