Round Rock Edition | November 2022



Harrison Keller Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board commissioner

Community Impact Newspaper recently interviewed Commissioner of Higher Education Harrison Keller, who has served as the chief executive officer for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board since October 2019. Before he was com- missioner, Keller was a faculty member and administrator of The University of Texas. Keller shared the board’s initiatives for helping students attend college, challenges within higher education and his vision for adapting to a changing work- force. Answers have been edited for length and clarity.


financial aid policy [and] financial aid programs. [The] second thing is college and career advice. We are charged by the Legislature to support college and career advising from secondary schools through our higher education institutions. The most important thing we can do to make college more affordable is to make sure that folks can complete their high-quality credentials in a timely manner. ... If we can get folks through to earn high-quality credentials and enter the workforce more efficiently, then that reduces those total costs of higher education for students and their families, and helps set them on a better path to career opportunities. We are at the front edge of historic transformation in higher education. We’ll look back on this time the [same] way we look back on changes that happened after the Civil War or after World War II. I think higher education is much more receptive to innovation and change than we’ve seen in many, many years. All of those combined with these changing workforce needs set the stage for exciting transformations in higher education. WHAT DO YOU SEE FOR THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION?

dollars. We were able to provide some targeted funding to keep tens of thousands of students enrolled and on track. Within a few days of receiving funds, we were able to work with institutions and get those funds allocated and out the door. Ulti- mately, those served about 60,000 students that fall of 2020. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES THESE DAYS IN HIGHER EDUCATION? The pace of change in the economy has accelerated faster than anyone anticipated. There were changes already underway in the economy before the pandemic, but the pan- demic accelerated those changes in how we use technology and the ways that we communicate. Our workforce needs of higher skills and more cre- dentials [moved] faster than anyone expected. Our greatest challenge is how we will educate more Texans to higher standards than we’ve ever achieved before, so we can meet our current and emerging workforce needs and be competitive in the future. HOW IS THE BOARD MAKING COLLEGE MORE AFFORDABLE? One of the things we do for afford- ability is focused around financial aid,

COORDINATING BOARD DO? There’s three major roles. First, we’re the state authorizing agency. When institutions want to offer new degree programs or set up a new college or school, they need to get approval through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The second role is the various functions that we administer for the state. We run the state’s student loan programs [and] other financial aid programs. We have a support center where we work with institu- tions [for] student access initiatives around digital learning, and college and career advising. We’re also charged to be the hub of the state’s combined education and workforce data infrastructure. ... The third big function is our policy role. ... One of our most important policy roles is specifying and advancing the state’s Strategic Plan for Higher Education. WHAT ACCOMPLISHMENT WOULD YOU HIGHLIGHT SINCE YOU STARTED? [After the pandemic] Texas was one of only a few states that prior- itized higher education for more flexible, more discretionary stimulus

RESOURCES The Texas Higher Education

Coordinating Board offers resources for students needing financial help.

College Access Loan

This program provides low-interest education loans to Texas residents unable to meet the costs to attend a higher education institution.

For more information, visit .

Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program

This program encourages students to complete a bachelor’s degree and join the Texas Army National Guard, Texas State Guard or U.S. Coast Guard or a branch of the U.S. military.

For more information, visit .

For other general resources, visit .


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