Cy-Fair Edition | May 2022

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Women’s health is important for everyone. With National Women’s Health Week and Mother’s Day this month, we’re reminded how critical it is for women to prioritize their wellbeing. Dr. Farren Ancar is an OB/GYN with Memorial Hermann Medical Group Cypress Multi-Specialty Clinic who sees patients from adolescence to adulthood. She unpacks the importance of women’s health and the unique issues women face today. Q: What screenings should women not delay? A: Women are at heightened risk for breast cancer and cervical cancer simply due to their gender, which is why it’s important to keep up with regular screenings. The United States Preventative Services Task Force recommends that women start receiving cervical cancer screenings (or Pap smears) starting at age 21, regardless of sexual activity, receiving one at least every three years if the results are normal. Cervical cancer screenings can also include HPV testing, as certain types of HPV increase the risk of developing cervical cancer. Patients can space out cervical cancer screenings every five years if both the Pap smear and HPV tests are negative. Patients can also stop having cervical cancer screenings after age 65 if they have normal results. Some women should also get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as they can cause serious health problems if left untreated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all sexually active women under the age of 25 should receive annual testing for certain STIs. For breast cancer screenings, women will receive clinical breast exams performed by their OB/GYN or primary care physician at annual appointments.

However, starting at age 40, women should talk with their doctor about get t ing annual screening mammograms. If they have a family history of breast cancer, it is encouraged to start screenings earlier. Older women have an increased risk of developing osteoporosis because their bones aren’t receiving as much estrogen as they were during their reproductive stage. If you are over 65 years old or postmenopausal, then you should receive a bone density screening test for osteoporosis. Q: Why should women prioritize mental health? A: The pandemic has certainly taken a mental toll on all of us. For many women, this could mean balancing kids and a career at home or even having a baby during a pandemic without being able to see their family. Mental health has been thrown into the spotlight, and it’s incredibly important for women to not only take care of their physical wellbeing, but also their emotional wellbeing. This is especially true for new mothers who have been facing sleepless nights and are at risk for developing post-partum depression from hormonal shifts and abrupt lifestyle changes. Because mental health is a priority, doctors have been checking in with patients to make sure they’re feeling okay and providing them with personalized resources if they need them. Q: Are women safe getting the COVID-19 vaccine? A: Women are free to make their own informed decisions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. However, there is a lot of public misinformation about the safety of the vaccine for those who are pregnant, wanting to get pregnant or breastfeeding. To learn more, visit

A recent study of 131 women of reproductive age, published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , found that the Pf izer and Moderna vaccines were safe for pregnant and lactating women. For breastfeeding women, researchers have found that antibodies can pass through breastmilk in mothers who have recovered

Farren Ancar, DO OB/GYN

from COVID-19, and the study found that mothers who are vaccinated are able to pass antibodies onto their babies. Keep in mind, symptomatic pregnant women with COVID-19 are at increased risk of more severe illness and death compared to non-pregnant individuals, making the benefits of the vaccine significant. Overall, the risks for contracting COVID-19 outweigh any potential risks from the COVID-19 vaccine, and medical experts encourage everyone to get vaccinated when they are able. Q: What are different ways women can take care of themselves? A: Women, especially mothers, often put their health last because many times they prioritize taking care of others. Not only should women keep up with their routine screenings, but they should also keep up with their annual physicals and OB/GYN exams for regular checkups. It’s also important that women trust their bodies. If you notice any changes that seem off, whether it’s during pregnancy, your menstrual cycle or anything else, consult your healthcare provider to address the issue. Lastly, women should ensure they’re exercising, eating healthy and taking time for themselves.

Memorial Hermann offers comprehensive, integrated and personalized care for all women. Learn more at

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