2 0 2 2 L O C A L V O T E R G U I D E
Cedar Park City Council, Place 4
Cedar Park City Council, Place 6
Occupation: regional sales manager, pharma- ceutical industry DORIAN CHAVEZ
Occupation: small-busi- ness owner HEATHER JEFTS
Occupation: Depart- ment of Treasury agent Relevant experience: two years on City Council, two years as constituent services; 27 years as a commissioned Army ocer www.kellyforoce.com
Occupation: CEO, BKA Wealth Consulting, BKA Business Valuations Relevant experience: incumbent, City Council;
Relevant experience: council member 2017- 19, 2020-present; Wil- Co Children’s Advocacy Center board president; CAPCOG and Clean Air Coalition boards www.jeftsforcedarpark.com
Relevant experience: 2.5 years on council, 22 years manufacturing management,12 years as ocer with Army and Texas Guard www.dorianchavez.com
chair, planning and zoning commission; president economic de- velopment; LEEF board; multiple boards www.ericforcedarpark.com
Why are you the best candidate for this seat?
Why are you the best candidate for this seat?
[I] demonstrated success as a member of City Council, current mayor pro tem, helped to develop the city’s new strategic plan, proven ability to both listen to and represent the entire community in a nonpartisan way, signicant prior city board and commission experience, strong nancial background, working relationship with city sta, the business community, chamber and owners.
As a past and proven conservative leader, I have proven that I can stand up to a council that was driven to raise taxes to the highest rate possible while on council. The economic future due to global events is unstable; now is not the time to max out spending with the largest bond proposal [Cedar Park] has ever seen!
I’m focused on working together for solu- tions to the issues aecting our daily lives. I’mwilling to listen to get to the heart of an issue and collaborate to come up with com- mon-sense solutions. I hold regular oce hours for anyone and everyone to express concerns. I am a calm, solutions-oriented problem solver here for you.
I’m the only candidate with a record of standing against feel-good resolutions that go nowhere—spending $5,000 here and $5,000 there on unjustied expenditures must stop. Inªation, restrictions and waste at all levels of government are harming our most vulnerable citizens. We can overcome this, but our city needs to be a lean ma- chine. We’re taxed enough already.
What are the top issues the city is facing?
What are the top issues the city is facing?
Sustain[ing] economic development mo- mentum, which will not only secure our city’s nancial future but also drive job growth and opportunity for our citizens; proactive investment in utility, public safety and other infrastructure to meet future growth ex- pectations; execute our upcoming mobility plan; support small businesses; thoughtful development of our city’s remaining land resources
One of the greatest challenges will be addressing spending. We can use intelli- gent and innovative means to overcome challenges, or we can take the easy way out and continue to penalize taxpayers. Our homes and careers are on the line if we fail to nd creative solutions. Yes, we can actually reduce spending and the size of city government!
Aordability and mobility are top issues. In my rst term, we created the homestead exemption to provide property tax relief. We also paid down debt early, saving taxpayers millions. I’m focused on bringing good jobs to oset property taxes, supporting improved zoning for more housing options and nding common-sense mobility solutions aording multiple ways to get around safely.
Poor road surfaces. Increased taxes and cost of living. Drug use and addiction. An increasingly unsafe environment for our children as Austin’s problems spread northward.
What do you think sustainable growth looks like for Cedar Park?
What do you think sustainable growth looks like for Cedar Park?
Forward-thinking city planning involving all stakeholders, emphasizing prudent scal management, which allows Cedar Park to provide ecient public services while keeping property tax rates low; a diverse, active and mobile population engaged in and within our community; citizens feeling safe and cared for; thriving new and local businesses able to attract workers, expand and grow; eective property development and redevelopment
We’re at a crossroads: We need to use intel- ligent and innovative means to overcome challenges. COVID[-19], supply chain woes to the war in Ukraine, we have the opportunity to reduce the burden of local government and nd ways to do more with less bond debt. We have limited space for develop- ment; I do not support the construction of more apartments.
Sustainable growth looks like improving infra- structure; using long-term forecasts to plan for water, public safety and energy needs; and managing housing, jobs and leisure demands. Our growth in housing and retail has slowed some, balanced by increases in recreation and businesses coming to Cedar Park. This balanced approach takes some pressure o homeowners while providing both fun and employment opportunities.
Fostering an environment which promotes family culture and children’s welfare is absolutely critical. We must be thoroughly transparent and rm in our resolve with well-dened goals, set within a respectable timeline, that allow for variations, while working within a reduced revenue over the next two to three years. What is coming economically will require budgetary disci- pline and scal restraint.
Answers may have been edited for length, style and clarity. Read full Q&A’s at communityimpact.com .
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