L O C A L V O T E R G U I D E GUIDE Candidates and information for local elections
D A T E S T O K N O W April 25 First day of early voting
May 7 Election day May 7 Last day to receive ballot by mail (or May 9 if carrier envelope is postmarked by 7 p.m. at location of election)
Williamson County voters can nd voting sites at www.wilco.org/elections. Travis County voters can nd voting sites at https://countyclerk.traviscoutytx. gov/elections. Voters can vote at any site in the county they are registered in.
April 26 Last day to apply for ballot by mail (received, not postmarked) May 3 Last day of early voting
Proposition L: Selection of Auditor
Proposition H: Police Department Employee Evaluations Shall Section 7.06 of the City Charter be amended to provide that, instead of police department employee evaluations being reviewed, modied, and revised by the City Manager and submitted to the City Council for review, evaluations shall instead be subject to review only by the City Manager? Proposition I: Fire Department Employee Evaluations Shall Section 7.07 of the City Charter be amended to remove language that re department evaluations are subject to modication by the City Manager? Proposition J: Mayor Pro Tem Appointment Shall Section 4.02 of the City Charter be amended to clarify that the appointment of the Mayor Pro Tem occurs at the rst regular meeting following the canvass of the general election and any runo® election associated with that general election? Proposition K: Planning Commission Appointments Shall Sections 4.03 and 10.04 of the City Charter be amended to provide that each council member appoints a member to the planning commission without requiring a majority vote of council or a recommendation from the board selection committee, except that if the council position that appoints a planning commission position is vacant, the appointment shall be made by majority vote of council?
Proposition D: Resign to Run Shall Section 3.04 of the City Charter be amended to change the current provision that requires automatic resignation from Council any time that a council member announces candidacy for another oce, to require automatic resignation only if there is more than one year and 30 days left on the council member’s term at the time of the announcement? Proposition E: Term of Oce Shall Section 5.12 of the City Charter be amended to provide that the City Council members elected by majority vote take oce on the Tuesday following the canvass of the election and do not wait for a run-o® election to be concluded to take oce, and that a Council member elected by majority vote in a run-o® election takes oce on the rst Tuesday following the canvass of the run-o® election? Proposition F: City Manager Shall Section 7.01 of the City Charter be amended to provide a procedure for suspension and removal of the City Manager, which includes notice of the reason for suspension and removal and an opportunity for a hearing, that occurs after the City Council asks the City Manager to resign and the City Manager declines to resign? Proposition G: Department Director Appointments Shall Sections 7.04 and 10.07 of the City Charter be amended to remove the requirement that the City Manager’s appointment of department directors be approved by the City Council?
LEANDER CITY COUNCIL Place 1 Kathryn Pantalion-Parker* Trey Schisser Place 3 Juan Alanis Steve Hanes Roslyn Littles David McDonald Place 5 Annette Sponseller Chris Czernek* Bill Louden CITY OF LEANDER PROPOSITIONS Proposition A: Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Continuation Shall the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority be continued in the City of Leander? Proposition B: General Revenue Sales Tax (Conditional Upon a Majority “No” Vote on Proposition A) The adoption of a local sales and use tax in the City of Leander at the rate of two percent (2%) Proposition C: Term Limits Shall Section 3.03 be added to the City Charter to establish the following term limits: (a) three three-year terms for mayor; (b) three three-year terms for council positions other than mayor; and (c) a combination of three three- year terms for council and three three-year terms for mayor, regardless of the order served; unless the person has been out of oce for at least one full term?
CEDAR PARK CITY COUNCIL Mayor Jim Penniman-Morin Claudia Chavez Mike Guevara Place 2 Collin Klein Mel Kirkland* Place 4 Eric Boyce* Dorian Chavez Place 6 Tim Kelly Heather Jefts* CITY OF CEDAR PARK PROPOSITIONS Proposition A The issuance of $86,600,000 bonds by the city of Cedar Park, Texas, for transportation improvements and facilities to include streets, sidewalks, pathways, bike and pedestrian system improvements, and other transportation facilities. Taxes sucient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed. Proposition B The issuance of $42,200,000 bonds by the city of Cedar Park, Texas, for parks, recreational facilities, trails, open space improvements and projects. Taxes sucient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed. Proposition C The issuance of $30,000,000 bonds by the city of Cedar Park, Texas, for public safety facilities for police and re protection, including training facilities. Taxes sucient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed.
Shall Section 8.13 of the City Charter be amended to change the maximum period of time the City may contract with the independent auditor from three consecutive years to ve consecutive years? Proposition M: Mayoral Duties Shall Section 4.01 of the City Charter be amended to remove the following duties from the oce of Mayor: (a) recommendation of appointees for boards and commissions; (b) submission of a recommended budget to council; and (c) taking command of the police in time of a declared emergency? Proposition N: Public Records Shall Section 13.06 of the City Charter be amended to remove the requirement that all applications for public records be stamped with a city seal and a copy of the application be provided to the applicant? Proposition O: Charter Review Commission Term Shall Section 13.08 of the City Charter be amended to remove the provision that states that the Charter Review Commission serves a six- month term?
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