Frisco | October 2024


‘Good to be here’: Frisco unveils new Rail District branding

Frisco ocials say a new brand will encourage spending and foot trac in The Rail District throughout its ongoing reconstruction. What happened? Frisco ocials unveiled a new brand for The Rail District on Sept. 12, giving the historic downtown a new color scheme, identity and tagline. “This is just the start,” said Cori Powers, Visit Frisco’s director of marketing and communications. Visit Frisco is the city’s ocial destination marketing organization. Its sta, including Powers, were the driving force behind the rebrand alongside consultants from marketing rm Verb Interactive, and have been working to deliver the nal product in a months-long initiative. The results of the community surveys and inter- views can be found in the new brand. For example, the new “good to be here” tagline is a direct pull from stakeholder and council member discussions. Other elements of the new brand were chosen

deliberately, such as a color scheme, logo and pattern to allow the city and local businesses to use them on stickers, shirts or coasters, Verb Chief Creative Ocer Troy Woodland said. Zooming out The new brand comes a little over one year into The Rail District’s redevelopment, a nearly $70 million construction project. Roadwork currently taking place along Main Street has been cited as a pain point for local businesses as customer parking is removed or relocated. Shannon Hammond, co-owner of The Game Show Experience, said her business is beginning to feel the eects of ongoing construction. Hammond and fellow co-owner Danny Mehta were among multiple downtown business owners to attend the Sept. 12 launch. “We’re hopeful that the little eorts that the city makes like this will be benecial to us ... until all the construction is done,” Mehta said.

The Rail District’s new brand and tagline should help encourage foot trac downtown, city ocials said.


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