Plano North | January 2025

Health & Wellness


Kelly and Shannah Hayley are program directors of Interval Run Club and often run with club members on Saturdays at Windhaven Meadows Park.


Q&A: Plano runners nish marathons/ half-marathons in 50 states

Unmatched Academic Results Challenger School offers uniquely fun and academic programs for preschool to eighth-grade students. Our students learn to think for themselves and to value independence. Legacy (PS–K) (469) 573-0077 Join us for an Open House! Monday, February 3, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Wednesday, February 12, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Tuesday, February 25, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

something. If you talk to me at any length of time you’ll know I’m a runner. If you hate running, become a swimmer or a biker. When you become something—it becomes a habit. We tell people casually, ‘I only did 10 miles this weekend.’ They say, ‘Only?’ You take for granted the benets your body is getting. Your body is work- ing more eciently. Heart health becomes a byproduct. How can readers in Plano get involved in marathoning? K: We are program directors of the Interval Run Club, home of Dallas Galloway training. Our hall- mark is we don’t leave anybody behind. We have dierent pace groups with leaders of each group. We make sure we all stay together. S: We meet at Windhaven Meadows Park most Saturdays. This park is a hotbed for runners.

While collections come in a variety of forms, such as baseball cards, passport stamps and more, Plano residents Kelly and Shannah Hayley collect marathon and half-marathon nisher ribbons. This fall, the married couple collected the nal ribbon to mark completed marathons for Kelly and half-marathons for Shannah in all 50 states. The couple met with Community Impact to discuss what non-run- ners can do to start their nisher ribbon collection. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. What advice do you give to people considering running a half- or full- marathon? S: I listen to books. I can asso- ciate books with races I run. A lot of runners listen to books. Others listen to music if they time their music to their pace. I use a book to let myself mentally escape. I nd it helpful not to get in my own headspace. K: I tell people to become

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This interview has been edited for length and clarity. For a longer version, visit .

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