Conroe - Montgomery Edition | January 2025


“She Saved My Life” Local acupuncture clinic is treating the untreatable, peripheral neuropathy, with incredible results!

suffering from Peripheral Neuropa- thy. While each of our patients are unique, they all come to the clinic with similar stories: They aren’t sleep- ing at night because of the burning in their feet. They have difficulty walking, shopping, or doing any activity for more than 30 minutes be- cause of the pain. They’re struggling with balance and living in fear that they might fall. Their doctors have told them to “just live with the pain” and they’re taking medications that aren’t working or have uncomfort- able side effects. Fortunately, four months ago, Car- rie found our clinic, Clear Choice Acupuncture and Wellness and the work that Alyson Bayer Licensed Acupuncturist is doing to treat those suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy without invasive surgeries or medica- tions. Using the time-tested science of acupuncture and a technology originally developed by NASA to assist in increasing blood flow and expediting recovery and healing, Alyson and her team are creating a breakthrough treatment for this de- bilitating disease. “Now when I go to bed at night I don’t have those shooting pains. I don’t have that burning sensation. I don’t have pain coming up my legs,” Carrie explains, enthusiastically describing life after receiving a series of treatments. “I can wear socks and

shoes!” Carrie is able to go on hikes with her husband and dogs some- times 5 miles a day. “It’s life altering. As far as I’m con- cerned, she saved my life.” Alyson and her team have been helping the senior community for almost two decades using the most cutting edge and innovative integrative medicine. Specializing in chronic pain cases, specifically those that have been deemed ‘hopeless’ or ‘untreatable,’ she consistently generates unparal- leled results. What was once a miss- ing link in senior healthcare is now easily accessible to the residents of Montgomery. If you’ve missed too many tee times because of pain, or you’ve passed on volunteering with your favorite chari- ty because you’re afraid of falling, it’s time to call Clear Choice Acupunc- ture and Wellness. It’s time you let your golden years become truly golden. Call (936) 703-5040 today to schedule your complimentary consultation or visit to take advantage of our New Patient Offer.

Montgomery resident Carrie R. had been experiencing the painful side effects of Peripheral Neuropathy for years. “My feet and legs were ex- tremely painful and my doctor told me there was nothing they could do. He said I would have to take Gab- apentin for the rest of my life.” Peripheral Neuropathy is the pain, discomfort and numbness caused by nerve damage of the peripheral nervous system. Carrie explained that daily tasks like opening doors and using the bathroom were over- whelmingly painful. “How can you live for the next 30 years when you don’t even want to get out of bed to do simple things?” She was ex- periencing the burning, numbness, tingling and sharp pains that those suffering with neuropathy often de- scribe. “The way I would describe it… it’s equivalent to walking on glass.” Carrie hadn’t worn socks in five years and was wearing shoes two sizes too big so that nothing would “touch” her feet. Unfortunately, Carrie’s story is all too familiar for the over 3 million people in the U.S.

Complimentary Consultation

Call today to schedule a Complimentary Consultation Clear Choice Acupuncture & Wellness 21105 Eva St, Suite 110 Montgomery TX 77356 936-703-5040



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