North Central Austin Edition | January 2025


Put in perspective

Keep in mind

Beyond philanthropy, economic activity and the social aspect of running with others, many involved in the local running community noted that Austin continues to hold a perception as a destination that can support physical health. Runners also cited at areas near more challenging hills and a local climate allowing for year-round training as some reasons for running’s local popularity regardless of skill level or intensity. “If we’re going to be out there suering through hills, we might as well do it together. That’s one part of the fact of community, is you’re sharing in the experience, and so it’s not always the easy path,” 5Run2 founder PJ Thompson said.

Local attention to running has seen its ups and downs since at least the ‘80s, Keese said, but she thinks the current wave of interest in Austin is “trending higher than ever” thanks to thousands of new residents and the impacts of COVID-19 on people’s tness plans. That view is shared by Lisa Daugherty, chief marketing ocer for Austin footwear xture Karavel. While catering to athletic customers for nearly nine decades, she said the shoe provider was recently inspired to brand a new running division to reach out to a growing population of active residents. Several major tness brands such as Nike, New Balance and On have now also set up shop, another sign of what she sees as a more active community invested in jogging and related events. “[Running brands] know if it works here, it’s going to work in other places, and they want to be in the place where it’s happening right now,” Keese said. Many also pointed to the surge in run clubs, as oerings for runners with dierent goals and skill levels are now available daily in dierent parts of town. Running participants noted the wide range of options for serious competitors or people looking for an active social connection, saying the groups can benet the wider community by drawing more interest to the activity. For the ARC, which Adger- son called a go-to hub for local runners, nearly a dozen beginner-friendly groups are oered. She estimated dozens, if not at least 100, clubs are now active citywide. “The possibilities are endless, with groups meeting at all times of day, on dierent days of the week, and bringing together runners from all

“The possibilities are endless, with groups meeting at all times of day, on dierent days of the week, and

bringing together runners from all walks of life and various skill levels.”


“What we really try and do is foster this community, that you’re getting something out as you put something in.” JAMIE PRATT, 5RUN2 COLEADER

Fitness facts

“Vigorous-intensity” running activity burns 590 calories per hour for a 154-pound person, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Children are advised to have one hour of activity daily. Adults are advised to spend at least 2 1/2 hours weekly on moderate activity. High levels of physical activity can help lose weight and reduce the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, infectious diseases and some cancers.

walks of life and various skill levels,” she said. While some can still be more exclusive or more directed toward social media promotion, Daugh- erty said most groups can be attractive as they t within Austin’s “weird” and welcoming vibe. Pratt agreed, noting that friendship and the reliability of a regular event can be just as key as tness in the social exercise scene. “What we really try and do is foster this commu- nity, that you’re getting something out as you put something in,” she said.


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