Police positions increase LISD budget shortfall Leander ISD’s projected budget shortfall for fiscal year 2024-25 is continuing to rise. The update At a Dec. 12 meeting, the board approved amending the budget by $662,315 to cover nine positions for LISD’s new police department, which has now increased the projected budget shortfall
LISD prioritizes mental health in 2025 Leander ISD officials plan to advocate for increased school funding and educator pay raises at the Texas Legislature this year. What happened The board of trustees adopted the district’s legislative priorities at a Dec. 12 meeting, weeks before state lawmakers reconvened for the 89th legislative session Jan. 14. The breakdown The district adopted legislative priorities focusing on curriculum, special education, educator salaries and retention, partner- ships with parents, state funding, voucher opposition, school safety and mental health.
Recent changes to the FY 2024-25 budget include:
An increase of $194,489 in recapture An increase of
$2M $1.5M $1M $500K $0
$1.84 million for start up costs for the LISD Police Department An increase of $662,315 to cover three sergeants, five police officers and one police department communications coordinator
to $29.5 million. What happened
-$5M -$4M -$3M -$2M -$1M $0
The board of trustees approved a nearly $7 million increase to its projected budget shortfall, bringing it to $28.8 million, at a Nov. 21 meeting. The budget amendment came as LISD is expecting to receive $4.48 million less in state revenue due to lower student enrollment, Chief Financial Officer Pete Pape said.
A decrease of $4.48 million in state revenue A decrease of $468,746 in local revenue
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