North Central Austin Edition | September 2024


Austin ISD board of trustees at-large Position 8

Why are you running for the Austin ISD board of trustees?

What is the biggest challenge facing the district and how would you address it?

I would like to bring my skills as an educator, collaborator, and problem-solver to guide AISD decisions and policies that extend equity to all parts of the school district. I am passionate about involving all voices as AISD tackles tough issues in the next few years.

The biggest challenge facing the district is balancing our budget. Our budget needs deep community engagement to ensure we are providing the programs and services our community expects our school district to offer. This deep community engagement will also help us remedy the decrease in enrollment over the past decade.

Amy Moore Experience Parent volunteer, AISD non-profit partner, Mom of 3 AISD graduates, former 7th grade math teacher 512-949-9438

It is our civic duty to get involved when we believe there are problems to be fixed. I want to be a voice for the voiceless and create positive change in our community, and I believe I can be someone that students look up to, and see themselves reflected in.

The biggest problems our district is facing are declining enrollment and increased attacks on educational institutions by the right. I believe to counter both these issues we must boost services for students while launching media campaigns to boost the perception of our schools so that they are immune to attack.

Dylan “Sky” MacAdams Experience Chairman of The Coalition Austin, Organized in support of reproductive rights

across district schools

I believe that public education has the power to better the lives of students and I’ve spent over two decades fighting to help teachers and schools deliver that power to every student. I’m running to bring that fight as a Trustee to empower AISD to support students and staff holistically.

The biggest challenge is addressing the State’s unwillingness to appropriately and equitably fund schools. I will help AISD navigate budget impacts and appropriately utilize available resources with transparency in a manner that gives agency to the families, staff, and community stakeholders, creating consensus and allowing students and staff to thrive.

Fernando Lucas de Urioste Experience Nine years teaching in AISD, 10 years in Education Advocacy

I’m running to ensure that Austin ISD actually lives out its mission to prepare every student with the knowledge and skills to thrive in college, career, and life; that we are improving our financial stability; and that our teachers are paid competitively for the amazing work they do.

We aren’t solving our biggest challenges in a systematic way and the district needs to operate more strategically. We are facing significant financial problems driven in part by inadequate state funding, but there are many actions we can take now to address declining enrollment, disparate student achievement, and low salaries.

Lindsey Stringer Experience 19 years of multifaceted, public education experience; seven years organizational leadership; AISD

graduate, parent, volunteer

We need to provide basic needs to AISD students and staff such as access to showers and food for those who are homeless. We need to creatively utilize or rent AISD land, buildings, and technology. We need to develop student leaders by inspiring, educating, loving, empowering and meeting their needs.

Challenges face AISD [including] securing long- term future funding, access to resources, access to advanced technology, developing student leaders, and meeting the basic needs of students and AISD Teachers/Staff. A task force should be created to solve each specific AISD issue. If AISD serves the community, AISD will never fail.

Nathaniel Hellman Experience: Austin Community College District Police Officer & Texas Real Estate Agent

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity. Community Impact was unable to contact candidate Nick Franke. For more election coverage, go to



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