The Woodlands Edition | September 2023


How do I put into words, how much your support and prayers have meant to myself and my family. We are so thankful and wish you many blessings! Your continued love, blessings, and prayers to our family started last year and has meant so much to our family. First, we faced the death of our son months ago, from Stage 4 prostate cancer. More recently was the death of my beloved hubby Jonathan ( John). We have received many prayers, emails, cards, plants, and letters recently for my beloved hubby. My pain is there each and every day. However, the calls, emails, texts, and many cards have helped me and my family get through each day. We received information from some lovely ladies who have recently donated funds to the CypressWoodlands Junior Forum for local high school scholarships in honor of my wonderful hubby, John. I do not have the names yet of the wonderful women who donated for John. Please know he would have loved the actions of those who donated for such a great cause. Thank you Sheri and family.

We want to thank the group of ladies from The Shinning Stars Guild, who gave their time, love and heart to our family and me. Thank you also to the wonderful staff at TOMAGWA Medical Clinic. I was fortunate enough along with Tamra, Dottie, Gloria Judy, Kathy, Candy, Cindy and myself to start the Immunization Program as a volunteer. My dear friend Georgi M. Helped me start and continues to be a successful program “The Food Pharmacy!” Part of TOMAGWA Medical Program. The heart and support given in abundance to our family, makes it most difficult to announce that after almost 27 years of service I’m leaving CypressWoodlands Junior Forum. My focus in life has changed with the changes I have experienced recently. Jonathon and I love CypressWoodlands Junior Forum, and we have always wanted to support it with heart, soul and donations for almost 27 years. We will miss everything CypressWoodlands Junior Forum stood for and their continued great service programs. Thank you for 26 wonderful years of service. Thank you for taking the time to give me and our family a blessed moment through your eyes. Our family and myself will always hold you close in our hearts! Gig’em Aggies!!!

Blessings to all, Sheri and family. In memory of my beloved John.



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