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A rendering of the proposed ART Green Line that would link the San Antonio Airport to the Brooks Area and downtown San Antonio along San Pedro Avenue.
San Antonio City Council took a step forward in implementing an Advanced Rapid Transit System by adopting a transit-oriented development policy and frame- work during its Dec. 19 meeting. Two-minute impact The ordinance also adopted a series of amendments to Chap- ter 35 of the Unied Development Code and Chapter 28 of the City Code. These include creating three categories of TOD zoning districts that create levels of density; updated standards that Transit-oriented development policy adopted
protect residential neighborhoods from incompatible development, such as height restrictions. “As a council, we approved the framework of a future where having the convenience and ame- nities of The Pearl doesn’t have to come at the cost of being able to aord The Pearl,” said Sukh Kaur, District 1 council member. The background According to city documents, the ART system is centered around two main transit corri- dors—the Rapid Green Line and the Rapid Silver Line—and will be designed to provide fast, ecient transportation. The north-south corridor Rapid Green Line is in the nal design and engineering phases and is projected to begin service in 2027-28.
New terminal breaks ground at SAT
Upon completion, the termi- nal will encompass more than 800,000 square feet and will feature up to 17 gates. According to a news release, the terminal will also feature 35,700 square feet of concessions space and 29,000 square feet of club lounge space. The terminal is scheduled for completion in 2028.
San Antonio city ocials broke ground on the new terminal at San Antonio International Airport on Dec. 10. The overview Designed to expand capacity, the SA Airport’s new terminal is a $2.5 billion expansion and part of developments laid out in the city’s capital improvements plan.
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