Fitness council works to make residents healthier Health & wellness
The overview
Comparable comorbidity rates in adults in Bexar County and similar Texas counties Bexar County Travis County Dallas County Harris County
Health initiatives were originally launched in 2009 after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention awarded San Antonio $15.6 million through the Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant. Former Mayor Julian Castro used the grant to create a series of initiatives to spur residents to engage in healthier lifestyles. These initiatives included a bike-share program, workshops, training tools and physical activity education for teachers at 361 schools and the installation of salad bars in 108 schools. Bottiglieri said that in 2010-2011 the programs began to wind down due to a requirement for the grant funds to be spent. As a way to maintain these programs, Castro officially formed the MFC. “[City officials] were trying to look for sustainable ways to keep [these initiatives] going,” Bottiglieri
High cholesterol
Diagnosed diabetes
Coronary heart disease
an umbrella organization with six separate committees and boards. These committees engage in a variety of health advocacy initiatives, including Mayor Ron Nirenberg’s Camino Verde— an event that highlights the city’s trail system— and Get Strong with Mayor Ron.
said. “Well, it just so happened that the Texas Department of State Health Services had an opportunity for mayors [to form] fitness councils.” Since its formation, the MFC has grown into
Breakdown of Mayor’s Fitness Council
The framework
Bottiglieri said that the MFC has changed over the years to include the formation of five internal committees as well as the San Antonio Business Group on Health. “[The MFC] has evolved in such a way that it continues to meet the needs of the community,” Bottiglieri said. The executive committee is composed of major stakeholders within the city, including a repre- sentative from the mayor’s office, Bottiglieri, San Antonio Metropolitan Health District officials, and representatives from the YMCA and San Antonio Food Bank. This committee steers the MFC’s mission each year and decides which initiatives to
focus on. The community committee is the main group that anyone can join, and the communications committee performs outreach activities. The Healthy Schools Committee includes administrators from all 15 Bexar County ISDs as well as representatives from charter schools, private schools and a home school network. Although the SABGH is technically under the MFC umbrella, the group has its own operating board. MFC’s primary role for SABGH is to oversee its funds and sponsorships. The SABGH hosts education forums and offers healthy workplace recognition opportunities.
Executive Committee 35 members
Strategic advisers 7 former MFC chairs
Community Committee 139 members
Communications Committee 24 members
Healthy Schools Committee 58 members
San Antonio Business Group on Health 355 members
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