Heights - River Oaks - Montrose Edition | March 2022



A noncomprehensive list of camps in the area


Parents looking for camps for their children have a number of options to choose from in the Heights, River Oaks and Montrose areas. This list is not comprehensive. A+ Academics ART Arts DAY Day



GREATERHEIGHTS 1 Art Studio on the Boulevard

tics skills. Morning and afternoon sessions are available. Ages: 312 Dates: May 29Aug. 20 Cost: $38+ per session DAY The Little Gym of Houston Heights, 1501 W. 18th St., Houston 7138618200 www.thelittlegym.com/houstonheightstx MIDTOWN/DOWNTOWN 5 CompuCamp The University of Houston-Downtown part- ners with local institutions to oer camps in computer programming, engineering, creative writing and foreign languages for ages 617. A Summer Academy is also oered for the camp’s rst four weeks, including ACT/SAT test prep, nancial literacy and career discov- ery opportunities. Ages: 617 Elite University summer camps provide a va- riety of fun and educational camps at multiple Houston locations. Camps include horseback riding, aerospace engineering, fencing, rock wall climbing, medical science and eld trips, among other oerings. Ages: pre-K12 years old Dates: June 2Aug. 19 Cost: $275-$375 per week DAY Trinity Episcopal Church, 1050 Holman St., Houston www.elitesummercamps.com MONTROSE/RIVEROAKS 7 Camp AOS Annunciation Orthodox School’s Camp AOS provides an enrichment program for students that oers elements of traditional summer camps. Both day camps and specialty camps are designed to keep children sharp when they return to school while also providing opportunities to develop friendships with Dates: June 6July 15 Cost: varies by camp A+ DAY University of Houston-Downtown, 315 N. Main St., Houston 7132218032 www.compucamp2022.com 6 Elite University fellow campers. Ages: 3-grade 8 Dates: June 6July 29 (closed June 27July 8) Cost: $175-$700 DAY

The Mad Hatter Arts Camp oers three two- week sessions. The 25th anniversary theme will be “Celebrate!” with projects and games from celebrations around the world. Campers will work with watercolors, acrylic painting, clay sculpture, textures, ber arts and oil pas- tels while learning about art history, cultures, drama, science, and music. Ages: 511 Dates: June 20July 1, July 1122, July 25Aug. 5 Cost: $750 per child per two-week session ART DAY Art Studio on the Boulevard, 1703 Heights 2 Kidventure Kidventure has been open to Houston families since 1994. Each camp is designed to be a dis- tinct experience based on four cornerstones of creativity, physical activity, exploration and reection. An overnight camp also takes place in the Texas Hill Country. Camps take place in both the Heights and Memorial areas. Ages: 316 Dates: June 6Aug. 5 Cost: $295-$345 per week DAY Blvd., Houston 7138638988 www.artstudioontheblvd.com St. Theresa Catholic School, 6500 Durford St., Houston SPSJT Lodge 88, 1435 Beall St., Houston 7139608989 www.kidventure.com 3 Language Kids Classes provide young students a language immersion experience in person at several Houston locations or in a virtual format. Early immersion and extended-hour options are available for additional cost. Ages: 310 Dates: June 6Aug. 19 (in-person camp), June 6 to Aug. 5 (virtual camp) Cost: varies A+ DAY Grace United Methodist Church, 1245 Heights Blvd., Houston 2815651388 www.languagekids.com 4 The Little Gym The day camp at The Little Gym oers physical activity, games, and arts and crafts with two tracks: one for ages 38 focused on weekly themes and another for ages 612 focused on beginner, intermediate or advanced gymnas-


St. Luke’s All Day Camps



Annunciation Orthodox School, 3600 Yoakum Blvd., Houston 7134705600 www.aoshouston.org/camp-aos 8 River Oaks Dance

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer Road, Houston 7134025075 www.stlukesallday.org WASHINGTON/MEMORIAL 11 Aerial Circus Endeavor The summer camp hosted by The Artz is a full-day experience for children to learn fabric, trapeze, lyra, wall running, harness and other aerial movement techniques. Other weekly classes are also available as well as half-day options. Camps can be paid for by the week or by the day. Ages: 315 Dates: May 31Aug. 19 Cost: $300-$350 per week (full-day and half day) ART DAY The Artz, 1824 Spring St., Ste. 124, Houston 2819729147 www.theartz8.com 12 Institute of Contemporary Dance Separate camps are oered for children in the 37 and 812 age brackets. The camp for younger children includes daily movement, crafts, music and snack time. The camp for older children includes ballet, jazz and modern dance portions and is capped o with an interactive performance. Ages: 312 Dates: June 27July 1, July 1822, July 2529 (interactive arts and dance camp); June 1316, July 1114 (children’s movement and arts camp) Cost: $350 (interactive arts and dance camp), $50-$350 (children’s movement and arts camp) ART DAY Institute of Contemporary Dance in Houston, 1302 Houston Ave., Ste. 300, Houston 8774144234 www.icdhouston.com/camps

Themed dance camps include dance classes, games and craft. This summer’s themes in- clude Story Book Mini Ballet, Island Adventure Dance, Royal Academy Princess, Camp En- canto, Ballet in Paris and Ballet Classics. A full description of each camp can be found on the River Oaks Dance website along with dates. Ages: 312 Dates: June 69, 1316 and 2023; Aug. 14, 811 and 1518 Cost: Call for prices ART DAY River Oaks Dance, 3641 Westheimer Road, The specialty kitchenware retailer hosts weeklong summer camps for children and teenagers with experienced chefs teaching hands-on cooking techniques and recipes. Classes are two hours a day and limited to eight students each. Ages: 717 Dates: June 6Aug. 19 Cost: $249 per week ART DAY Sur La Table, 1996 W. Gray St., Houston 7135330400 www.surlatable.com 10 St. Luke’s All Day Camps St. Luke’s United Methodist Church holds a camp for children entering rst through sixth grades and for children in seventh and eighth grade with arts and crafts, music, drama and dance, swimming and taekwondo as well as games, eld trips and other activities. This summer there are 10 one-week sessions. Ages: grades 18 Dates: June 14Aug. 20 Cost: $260 per session (grades 16), $300 per session (grades 78), plus $100 registration fee DAY Ste. C, Houston 2818400372 www.riveroaksdance.com 9 Sur La Table



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