Conroe - Montgomery Edition | November 2023


Conroe ISD voters approved bond propositions A-C on the Nov. 7 ballot for eight new schools, upgraded technology devices, a new agriculture barn and physical education classrooms, according to unocial results from Montgomery County. However, voters rejected Proposition D, which included funding for a new 50-meter outdoor pool and natatorium upgrades. The $1.9 billion bond package was the largest ask in school history. With the failing of Proposition D, the bond amount decreases by approximately $23 million. However, the remaining $1.88 million still eclipses the $653 million passed in 2019. CISD voters approve 3 bond propositions

What they’re saying

Results breakdown

Proposition A - $1.8 million Proposes 8 new schools, 3 additions, 5 major renovations, 2 master plans

The district opened five new schools with 2019 bond funds. The 2023 bond will allow the district the funds to build eight additional schools, including a Conroe-area high school, junior high and intermediate campus as well as an elementary school in the Hwy. 242 corridor that is not specific to a feeder zone. Board President Skeeter Hubert said he is excited about the progress the district will make.

61.08% For

38.92% Against

Proposition B - $40 million Proposes new technology devices, upgrades

58.34% For

41.66% Against

Proposition C - $112.8 million Proposes a new agricultural barn and adding 18 physical education classrooms to elementary campuses

“What we saw was the community and school district’s values lining up, and having that partnership is important. When you get an engaged community to agree with 75%

41.25% Against

58.75% For

Proposition D - $22.9 million Proposes a new 50-meter outdoor pool with upgrades to the current natatorium

of what we are doing in the district, that is a huge win.” SKEETER HUBERT, CONROE ISD BOARD PRESIDENT

50.76% Against

49.24% For




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