Conroe - Montgomery Edition | October 2024


KEY: D Democrat R Republican *Incumbent

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing District 16? I’d point to the rising cost of property taxes, ensuring reliable water resources, improving roadway infrastructure to match growth and addressing the ongoing crisis at our southern border. These issues directly aect our community’s quality of life, and residents deserve focused, practical solutions.

What specic policies or initiatives do you propose to address the issues you’ve identied? I’ll continue to ght to rein in skyrocketing property taxes and ensure we fully fund Texas’s border security eorts. I’ll also promote school safety initiatives that protect our children and loved ones, and champion policies that strengthen our power grid to meet the demands of our state’s massive population growth.

Texas House, District 16

Will Metcalf* Occupation & experience: vice president, business banking: Woodforest National Bank; active in various local leadership organizations


Growth in HD16 dictates that our most important challenges are providing infrastructure and creating jobs. As a 40-year public education teacher of economics and government, I have analyzed, taught and applied the principles of our free enterprise system. We have the strongest economy in the world, highly respected and emulated…

My top priority is to ght against school vouchers. I think it is a given that our future success lies with our children. They all need a quality education and it is the government’s responsibility to see that that opportunity exists for all, not just a select few. It’s obvious…

Mike Midler Occupation & experience: I am a retired high school economics and government teacher/coach and

USMC veteran. 832-693-4519


What do you think are the biggest challenges facing District 8? As a district directly impacted by the border crisis and located in the Houston area, we face a serious threat from human tracking. Houston is ranked as the number one city in the nation for this crime. While many might think, ‘this could never happen to my child,’ the reality…

What policies or initiatives do you propose to address the issues you’ve identied? I’ve been working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to eectively tackle the border crisis and harden our national defense. I have introduced legislation to combat human tracking, crack down on cartel activity, increase support for border patrol agents and strengthen our overall defense of our nation. I’m…

U.S. House, District 8

Morgan Luttrell* Occupation & experience: 14-year combat veteran and special advisor at the Department of Energy


District 8 faces signicant challenges, including restoring women’s reproductive rights, ensuring aordable health care and providing aordable housing. Addressing these issues is crucial for improving the quality of life for all residents and ensuring equity and opportunity within our communities.

I propose codifying Roe v. Wade with federal protections, expanding the Aordable Care Act and supporting [Kamala] Harris’ aordable housing plan. These initiatives will strengthen women’s rights, lower health care costs and enhance aordable housing to better serve District 8 residents.

Laura Jones Occupation & experience: Army mom, Realtor, farmer, community advocate, former Democratic party county chair, American taxpayer


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