A noncomprehensive list of camps in the area
14 Cosecha 2022 The campers will ex- plore Latinx history and introduce students to various art techniques, including: animation, digital storytelling, poetry, mixed media, theater and more. Ages: 512 Dates: June 6Aug. 12 Cost: $120 per week Austin residents, $200 per week nonresidents ART
1023 Springdale Road, Bldg. 3; Ridgetop Elementary Campus 5005 Caswell Ave. 5124428773 www.creativeaction.org
A+ Academics ART Art O Outdoors SP Sports
12 Chaparral Ice Camp Avalanche At the camps, kids have daily ice skating ses- sions, park play, arts and crafts, and a weekly eld trip to Quest ATX Wakeboard park. Ages: 513 Dates: May 31Aug. 12 Cost: $350 per week SP 2525 W. Anderson Lane 5122528500 www.chaparralice.com 13 Community Recreation Camps Austin’s Parks and Recreation Department will host summer camps focused on exploring the city’s recreational oerings. Ages: 515 Dates: June 6Aug. 12
16 Dougherty Arts Center Summer Arts Escape Throughout each camp day, instruc- tors will lead students through age-appropri- ate, TEKS-based activities covering a variety of visual and performing arts. Ages: 512 Dates: June 6Aug. 12 Cost: $120 per week Austin residents, $200 per week nonresidents ART 1110 Barton Springs Road 5129744040 www.austintexas.gov/summercamp 17 ESTEAM Learning Labs Camps oer a variety of STEM curriculum camps based around fun activities. Campers use Legos to learn about engineering, robotics and art, make their own comic books and short videos, learn to build motorized cars and more. Ages: 514 Dates: May 31Aug. 12 Cost: $425-$475 per week A+
600 River St. 5129746700 www.austintexas.gov/summercamp
First Tee
15 Creative Action Summer Camp The camp hosts interactive summer camps where campers explore the visual arts, move to mu- sic, invent, and create and act out storybook adventures. Ages: 511 Dates: June 6July 29 Cost: $425 per one-week camp, $800 per two-week camp ART St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 14311 Wells Port Drive; Faith Presbyterian Church 1314 E. Oltorf St.; Creative Action Building
Dell Jewish Community Campus, 7300 Hart Lane 2569965745 www.esteamlearninglabs.com/camps
18 First Tee Each day campers will take on challenging golf activities and life skills lessons. Ages: 517 Dates: June 6Aug. 11, weekly Cost: Full day, $280 for one camper. Half day, $160 for one camper. SP 5501 Ed Bluestein Blvd. 5127320380 www.rstteeaustin.org/summer-camp/
Cost: $120 per week for residents, $200 per week for nonresidents O SP Locations vary 5129746700 www.austintexas.gov/parksonline
512-232-5000 EdServices@austin.utexas.edu
Austin Jewish Academy is a pluralistic and progressive K through 8 project-based learning program, which aims to foster service , curiosity , and a love for the planet for all students.
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