New Braunfels Edition | October 2024


Guadalupe County Commissioner Precinct 1

The most important issue facing my constituents is rapid growth, which impacts infrastructure and services. To manage this growth and ensure future generations can live comfortably, I will advocate for sustainable zoning, enhance public facilities, and engage residents in planning to create a balanced community that meets everyone’s needs. What is the most important issue facing your constituents and how would you address it?

Yes, several infrastructure projects are crucial for the county’s development. First, we need to urgently improve the connection of our roads to I-10 and I-35, especially since that project is set for completion in 2028. Additionally, investing in modern public facilities and improving water and waste management systems is essential for sustainable growth. Are there any specific infrastructure projects you believe are crucial for the county?

Nahomie Alanis Occupation & experience: Technician student, photographer for elected officials, member, Guadalupe Progressive Coalition nahomie4guadalupe


There are families with individuals with special needs out there who want the help for their children and adults who have a disability. If elected, I aim to assist in the creation of an outreach program to connect these families with local nonprofits aiming to assist them.

Several of the county roads had damage for years, and the caveat is that it costs money to repair them. I would like to assist in the creation of a countywide voluntary crowdfunding based system (like GoFundMe) that focuses on getting our roads fixed without the need of tax money.

Nolan Schmidt Occupation & experience:

Substitute Teacher, SD21 SLEC Representative, and Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Guadalupe County


Public safety! With dedicated, hard work. We must prioritize funding to enable law enforcement and first responders to do their jobs effectively, and quality roads for everyone’s efficient transport. Swift response to issues that arise, open communication with the public, county departments, and staying up to date with available technology.

Maintenance and development of well-maintained roads are crucial for ingress and egress as our county continues to develop at a rapid pace. This is crucial not only for emergency responders to reach citizens in times of need, but for our quality of life on a daily basis.

Jacqueline “Jackie” Ott Occupation & experience: Attorney and judge; property, real estate and business law attorney; former assistant Guadalupe County attorney;


Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity. For more election coverage, go to



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