Cy-Fair Edition | September 2024



Jersey Village secures $4.2M property for City Hall relocation

A $4.2 million land purchase between Jersey Village and Champion Forest Baptist Church for the new site of City Hall and other city depart- ments should be complete by mid-November, city leaders said. In case you missed it On Aug. 2, Jersey Village City Council autho- rized city o cials to negotiate the 4.2-acre land purchase from Champion Forest Baptist Church’s Jersey Village campus. The site includes six buildings spanning almost 55,000 square feet, which are expected to house City Hall as well as the public works, and parks and recreation departments, Jersey Village City Manager Austin Bleess said Aug. 14. “Obviously, with that much space, there’s going to be opportunity for other things as well, ... but [we] don’t have anything speciŽcally in mind for that at the moment,” Bleess said. The property is located near the intersection of

Jersey Village Drive and Rio Grande Street. The context In 2019, City Council reviewed a preliminary design for a new City Hall on the south side of Hwy. 290 as part of the Village Center mixed-use development, Community Impact previously reported. However, the project has faced delays, and some residents have opposed moving City Hall. City Council “initiated steps” to sell city-owned land along Jones Road, on the south side of Hwy. 290, “in conjunction” with the Champion Forest Baptist Church land acquisition, according to an Aug. 2 statement from the city. As of press time, Bleess said he expects to have the property listed by the end of August. Next steps Bleess said city leaders will be working with an architect on the city’s vision for the spaces.

$4.2 million is the expected purchase price of the Champion Forest Baptist Church’s land 4.2 acres of land with 6 buildings spanning almost 55,000 square feet to be owned by the city 3 city departments to be moved to the property Property purchase in progress





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