Georgetown Edition | August 2024


Georgetown officials work to develop budget Georgetown city staff presented a draft of the fiscal year 2024-25 budget and Capital Improve- ment Plan during a July 9 City Council workshop. In the proposal, expenditures outpace fore- casted revenues in the general fund. The overview The city is projecting revenues of $108.31 mil- lion, which is a 9.7% increase over the prior year, while expenditures are projected to increase by 5.3%, or $5.59 million, to $111.73 million, according to city budget documents. This projected $3.42 million shortfall would negatively impact the city’s fund balance for the general fund, bringing it from $32.23 million at the end of FY 2023-24 to $28.82 million at the end of FY 2024-25. The general fund is just one of Georgetown’s nearly 20 funds. Other funds include the electric

County approves 3% increase for officials Williamson County Commissioners Court unanimously approved a 3% cost-of-living adjustment for elected officials during its

Keeping up with demand Across the city’s various funds, the proposed budget includes 39 new positions.

3 joint services fund 2 information technology fund 1 stormwater fund

21 water fund 8 electric fund 4 general fund

July 23 meeting. The big picture


Commissioners also discussed the broader compensation package for the 1,904 county employees that will be submitted during the 2025 budget proposal. Director of Human Resources Rebecca Clemons said the proposed compensation package recommends a 3% COLA and a 3% merit-based increase for county employees, a 3% COLA increase for elected county officials, and a 4% merit increase for small offices with four or fewer staff members. If approved, this would increase the county’s 2024-25 budget by $1 million.

fund, the water fund, the street maintenance fund and the debt service fund. The approach According to city documents, identified pressure points within the budget include cost escalation of capital projects, moderate continued growth, water service expansions, maintaining core ser- vices, customer service, street light maintenance and the 311-like system implementation. The final approval of the FY 2024-25 budget and tax rate is scheduled for Sept. 10.



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