Keller - Roanoke - Northeast Fort Worth | March 2024



New report shows NISD on track to keep growing Northwest ISD continues its upward trend in key demographic indicators, such as overall popula- tion, new housing starts and closings, and student capture rate, data shows. The details Bob Templeton, vice president of Zonda Education’s school district segment, provided the NISD board of trustees with a demographics report based on the fourth quarter of 2023. Templeton said the total population in NISD was 165,952 at the end of 2023, a 27.66% increase from 2020. Templeton also mentioned the average household size is three, whereas in other districts where he’s run demographics, the household size is under three. “You’re definitely a district that has school-aged kids,” he said. “The population by generation, the largest is millennial, which is those young parents

KISD hires law firm to help mitigate truancy Keller ISD officials have hired a law firm to help minimize truancy and investigate root causes of this issue that officials said has been on the rise since the pandemic. The specifics Cory Wilson, area superintendent of edu- cational support, said that the district has partnered with a law firm specializing in mitigating truancy to implement a program for this. As part of the truancy mitigation pro- gram, Wilson said that a tribunal process will be followed where parents of truant students are summoned and informed of statutes concerning student attendance. Parents will then meet with the magistrate to outline truancy prevention measures.

Northwest ISD population The population living within NISD’s boundaries rose by more than 35,000 over the last three years.










with really young kids. Overall, you’re a young district, and you’re definitely going to see lots of growth ahead.” Templeton also discussed the district’s capture rate, which is the percentage of school-aged chil- dren in the district who attend NISD schools rather than attending private schools, charter schools or are homeschooled. He said in 2020, the district’s capture rate was 76.5%. Today, it stands at 78.5% “You have one of the higher capture rates of the districts that we’re tracking in the DFW region,” Templeton said.

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