Georgetown Edition | February 2024



The city of Georgetown is weighing the implementation of a short-term rental registration program, joining other neighboring cities. Short-term rentals are dened by the city as a residential building used for lodging for a period of 30 consecutive days or less, and are often listed on sites like Airbnb and VRBO. The registration program would preserve the character of Georgetown neighborhoods and ensure operators are following all relevant laws and standards. The number of short-term rentals in Georgetown has increased since 2021, with the growth in popularity attributed to events like the Red Poppy Festival and Two Step Inn. Additionally, only a few short-term rentals are paying hotel occupancy taxes—a 7% tax in the city of Georgetown, which is reinvested into local tourism—according to city documents. City scrutinizes short-term rentals

The details

Why regulate short-term rentals? The city of Georgetown cited several reasons for why it is important to regulate short-term rentals, including:

Permits for short-term rentals in Georgetown city limits will be administered by the Downtown & Tourism Department, and applications will be submitted online, according to city documents. Application requirements include: • Contact information for owner, operator and 24/7 local contact • Statement acknowledging city ordinances • Good Neighbor brochure and neighborhood notice within 200 feet of short-term rental • $100 application fee and HOT payment • Advertising platforms used for listing Only one address per short-term rental will be allowed, unless an exception is requested, and the permits will be nontransferable if ownership changes, according to city documents. Permits will also be evaluated annually by the Downtown & Tourism Director for a renewal fee of $50.

Recover lost HOT revenue

Preserve neighborhood quality

Advocate for residents’ interests

Encourage communication between stakeholders

Minimize public safety risks

Avoid party houses

Educate travelers unfamiliar with local rules

Monitor compliance fairly

Promote a€ordable housing

Protect local service jobs

Prepare for future industry growth


What's next?

Increase in short-term rentals

100 150 200 250 300 50

term rental owners and operators. The city anticipates an estimated hotel occupancy tax revenue of $600,000 annually from the program based on the current count of short-term rentals within city limits. Georgetown City Council will decide on the passage of the ordinance at an upcoming meeting.

The annual cost of the short-term rental program, including software and sta€, will be an estimated $60,301 for the rst year and $50,301 for subsequent years, according to city documents. The cost of the software will partially be covered by the proposed $100 registration fees and the $50 renewal fees paid by short-




*AS OF JAN. 23


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