San Marcos - Buda - Kyle Edition | October 2022


Get to know candidates running in November’s midterm elections


Incumbent I Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity. Kyle City Council, Place 3 Republican Democrat Libertarian Green Independent R D L G



Occupation: product development scientist Relevant experience: chemistry innovator and entrepreneur; 20+ years in research and development, private and nonprot sectors including start-ups, real estate development; scientic educator 512-787-3619 • Facebook search: Zuniga for Kyle city council

Occupation: commercial property management Relevant experience: three years on City Council, current mayor pro tem, TASK Force member, helped design various parks and the public safety center, background in construction and property management 512-659-6744

What will be your top three priorities if elected?

Infrastructure is one key priority; planning needs to be strategic to sustain public streets, support public works, maintain essential services and reduce trac congestion. Second priority, increase our tax revenue, bring in developments that add value to our community, retain our city sta and support local business. Third, provide public amenities such as indoor recreation centers, build libraries and revitalize our downtown. Oer more health and wellness programs to residents to improve quality of life.

Public safety is priority No. 1, continuing to bring the new Public Safety Center online, and creating recruiting opportunities for new ocers. Infrastructure—identifying funding resources will be my top priority to help bring the road projects forward and allowing new development to contribute toward infrastructure as well. Economic development—businesses are now showing high interest in Kyle with 28 new restaurants, promoting Kyle’s Restaurant Incentive Program and increasing sales tax revenue.

How would you improve transportation within Kyle as well as within the San Antonio-Austin corridor in general?

The new Vybe trail will connect the entire city of Kyle. The trail system will provide travel throughout the city for residents via walking, jogging, running or golf cart. The studies have shown that this will help alleviate trac on roadways. Bringing jobs, restaurants and [amenities] will keep Kyle residents from having to travel outside the city, reducing trac on I35, allowing them to live, work and play in Kyle.

Build cooperation at every level, update technology, add more exit lanes on I35 and widen the highway. Increase state highway funds, seek private funding and raise revenue through increas- ing fuel tax. Also, utilize and expand back roads with surrounding counties and cities to connect state Hwy. 290/281 and I10 to get around I35. Within Kyle, build more streets to connect east and west, add dedicated right-turn lanes, signal lights and roundabouts.

Texas representative, District 45



Occupation: executive coach and educator Relevant experience: member, Kyle City Council; trustee, Hays CISD; chair, Kyle Economic Development Committee; small-business owner, Next Gen Latinos LLC; higher education administrator 512-688-6452 •

Occupation: state legislator, author, educator Relevant experience: two terms in the Texas House passing multiple bills to benet HD 45; increased the homestead tax exemption; found- er and chair, House Caucus on Climate, Environment, Energy Industry 512-898-9255 •



What will be your top three priorities if elected?

I will continue to work to modernize our electric grid, reinstate access to safe and legal abortion, implement common-sense gun safety measures, give our cities and counties more tools to man- age rapid growth, and make the state pay its fair share for schools instead of passing the buck to property taxpayers.

My top three priorities highlight the importance of supporting and promoting strong commu- nities and strong families. The following three areas are top priorities, if elected: 1) educational opportunities and parent empowerment, 2) economic strength and prosperity, including small businesses, and 3) safety and mobility.

How would you improve transportation within house District 45 as well as within the San Antonio-Austin corridor in general?

With the rapid growth our HD 45 communities continue to experience, improved mobility is of concern not only to ease the trac congestion, but also to ensure rst responders are able to reach anyone in distress. I will work to develop creative solutions with stakeholders not only for newly created roadways, but also for the maintenance of existing transportation arteries.

The commute to Austin gets longer and longer, eating up valuable time. Texas needs to focus strategically on multimodal and regional transportation options (including mass transit) to help Central Texans with their commutes, which will result in less wear and tear on roads the state is currently struggling to maintain. I oppose public tax dollars going toward the building of toll-only roads. No Texan should have to pay twice to drive on a road.

Only candidates in contested elections are included. Go to county election websites for information on uncontested races.

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