47 Premiere Dance Center Summer Dance Camp will oer dance camps featuring daily themes, such as Beach Day or Princess Day. Each camp will include a variety of dance styles and classes. Ages: 318 Dates: June 6Aug. 3 Cost: $150-$325 per week ART DAY 13834 Sawyer Ranch Road, Dripping Springs 5123017474 www.premieredancecentertx.com 48 The Sated Sheep oers knitters of all experience levels a chance to hone their knit- ting and crochet abilities and learn to make pom-poms and tassels. Ages: 818 Dates: June 12Aug. 4 Cost: $150 per week ART DAY 100 Commons Road, Ste. 5, Dripping Springs 5128294607 www.thesatedsheep.com 49 Young Rembrandts will oer half-day themed drawing, cartooning and pastels work- shops and full-day art and cooking classes. Ages: 612 for most camps Dates: May 30Aug. 11 Cost: $192-$495 per week ART DAY Multiple locations available, including in Dripping Springs ISD 5127954753 www.youngrembrandts.com/austinwest
Families looking for summer camps for their children have a number of options to choose from in the Southwest Austin and Dripping Springs area. This list is not comprehensive.
with games and activities. Ages: 611 Dates: June 529 Cost: $250 per week DAY SP 14451 Sawyer Ranch Road, Austin 7136325933 www.campdrip.com
A+ Academics ART Arts DAY Day O Outdoors NIGHT Overnight SP Sports
42 Zach Theatre summer camps teach- ing acting, creative drama, dance, lm, improv and musical theater are available with full-day options. Zach Theatre is a skills-based acting and musical theater serving Austin for over 90 years. Grades: kindergarten-12th Dates: May 30Aug. 10 Cost: $275-$350 per week ART DAY 202 S. Lamar Blvd., Austin 5124760541 www.zachtheatre.org/education 43 Youth Jewelry Camp at B Golden Jewelry Schoolallows students to work with jewelry and metalsmithing tools. All projects can be completed in the same day and new projects can do done each day. Ages: 1015 Dates: June 58 Cost: $95 per day ART DAY 321 W. Ben White Blvd., Ste. 204 Austin 5126621744 www.bgoldenjewelryschool.com Dripping Springs 44 Camp Drip oers a new theme, each
40 UT Radio-Television-Film Media Camps at The University of Texas oers sum- mer media production programs for youth of various ages, such as lmmaking, screenwrit- ing, animation, GarageBand sound editing and sketch comedy writing. Ages: 618 Dates: TBD Cost: varies A+ DAY 504 Whitis Ave., Bldgs. A and B, Austin 5124716617 www.rtf.utexas.edu/camps 41 Wet & Wild Adventure Camp pro- vides students water- and swimming-related outings daily, including trips to swimming pools, water parks, amusement parks, lakes and rivers. Kids also go bowling, skating, climbing, kayaking and paddleboarding. Ages: 915 Dates: May 30Aug. 11 Cost: $400-$540 per week DAY Drop-o/pickup locations: 2008 Eneld Road, Austin; 6100 Westcreek Drive, Austin 5127713188 www.wetwildcamp.com
45 On Stage Ready oers three dierent summer camp programs aimed at hands-on theater experiences including acting, dancing, singing, production and technical theater. Grades: First-ninth Dates: June 10July 27 Cost: $280-$970 per session DAY SP Sycamore Springs Middle, 14451 Sawyer Ranch Rd., Austin; 603 W. Hwy. 290 Dripping Springs 512877776 www.onstageready.com 46 Player2Player will host camps for young players to learn from high school ath- letes in basketball, football, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, cheer, dance, golf, tennis and more. Ages: 513 Dates: May 27July 29 Cost: $50-$250 per week DAY SP Locations across Lake Travis, Westlake and Dripping Springs 5127611082 www.player2player.com
“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.”
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