North Central Austin Edition | August 2023

We are in a drought This is a time for everyone to be mindful of their water use – every drop counts. It is important to know that despite the rainfall we’ve gotten this spring, our water supply lakes are still only half full. Things you can do right now to save water 6 Use outdoor irrigation only on your designated day and times. 6 Shorten shower times and run the washing machine or dishwasher only when they’re full. 6 Check all water heaters, faucets, 6 Set up your account in the My ATX Water customer portal to access your water use data, get custom QRWL¿FDWLRQVDQGUHFHLYHSRWHQWLDO leak alerts. We’re in this together. We appreciate everything you are doing to conserve our most precious resource. Austin Water continues to monitor conditions with the Lower Colorado River $XWKRULW\<RXFDQ¿QGRXWPRUHDERXW Austin Water’s drought response here. showerheads, and pipes under cabinets for leaks and drips.

June 2023



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