Pearland - Friendswood Edition | October 2024



FISD to sell land at old Cline Elementary site The land at the former Cline Elementary school site will be going up for sale at the beginning of 2025 after the Friendswood ISD board of trustees on Sept. 9 approved the potential sale. The overview District officials said the former school site, which is an 11.4-acre area at 515 Briarmeadow Ave., Friendswood, is no longer needed for district purposes. Despite this, officials have been paying for maintenance to the area. “We’ve spent over $50,000 in utilities last year on it alone just to keep that facility running,” FISD Chief Financial Officer Amber Petree said at the meeting. In 2020, FISD created a Citizens Advisory Com- mittee, which recommended a $128 million bond proposal that passed in November 2020. Before recommending the bond proposal, the

PISD officials attend education discussion Increased funding, meeting student needs and helping develop educators were all priorities given in listening sessions held by Pearland ISD. The gist PISD was selected in January as one of eight districts by education advocacy group Raise Your Hand Texas, or RYHT, to build a network of districts to help provide com- munity insight for the upcoming legislative session, according to district documents. PISD will take the feedback gathered from its residents and join other districts in Austin to discuss the takeaways. Four PISD district officials traveled to Austin from Sept. 18-20 to attend sessions hosted by RYHT to turn the feedback into a working agenda for the legislative session.

What’s next 2024

Fall District will auction the former school’s equipment in the fall January Competitive sale proposal for land begins March Potential negotiations for sale begin March or April Board of trustees will receive a recommendation for a potential sale



committee evaluated the district’s future needs, which included the creation of the new Cline Ele- mentary located at 1550 West Blvd., Friendswood, which opened in October 2023. The district kept the old building with a poten- tial eye toward using it for instruction, Superinten- dent Thad Roher said at the meeting.

Alvin ISD updates student devices conduct policy Alvin ISD’s board approved Sept. 10 a policy that restricts parents from using unauthorized audio or visual recordings or transmission of audio or images of their children in class to protect the privacy of other students. What’s happening? or FERPA, which is a federal law that protects student education records, according to the Texas Education Agency. Officials said there are services that allow par- ents to track their own child but also hear others in the classroom, which is a student privacy issue.

Alvin ISD’s updated telecommunications/ electronic devices policy

An authorized district employee may confiscate a personal device. The student or the student’s parents may retrieve the device after paying a fee of up to $15. A student shall obtain prior approval before using device for on-campus instructional purposes. The district prohibits unauthorized audio or visual transmissions or recordings of other students. Parents need district approval before using a device with recording or listen-in capability.

The policy was approved and will be added to the personal telecommunications portion of the student conduct policy.

The policy was put in place to avoid violating the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act,


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