BRAZORIA COUNTY Brazoria County Emergency Services District No. 3 (BCESD3) is proud to announce a new partnership with Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center that will strengthen the emergency response capabilities in our community. Beginning on September 30, 2024, BCESD 3’s emergency vehicles will be equipped with life-saving blood components, including red cells and plasma, ensuring these critical resources are available when time is of the essence. In life-threatening situations, every second counts, and immediate access to blood components can significantly impact patient outcomes. Red cells are vital for transporting oxygen throughout the body, while plasma plays a cru- cial role in clotting and stabilizing blood pressure—both essential for trauma care. By equipping emergency vehicles with these blood products, BCESD 3 is enhancing its ability to provide swift, life-saving interventions. “The addition of blood products to our ambulances has been a goal of Chief Welch. He and his team have worked hard to prepare for it,” stated Jeff D. Braun, Executive Director at Brazoria County Service District No. 3. “We are always striving to provide the best possible care for our patients, and we believe this will make a significant impact on patient outcomes.” The success of this initiative relies on the generosity of blood donors. Every donation helps maintain the supply of blood needed for trauma care, surgeries, and other medical emergencies. Regular donations ensure that our community’s emergency services are equipped and prepared to respond swiftly. “We are thrilled about this partnership. This has been a goal of Chief Welch and our emergency medical services department for quite some time. Chief Welch, Deputy Chief Lammert and the entire EMS team have done a won- derful job in preparing and training to implement this program. The Board of Commissioners for the District have been very supportive and are excited that we can now offer this service to our community. We are the first in the county to implement a program like this but Chief Welch and his team are sharing our information and working with other local agencies to assist them in implementing their own programs,” stated Jeff Braun, Executive Director. A celebration hosted on September 30th included a blood drive that included 14 successful donors, with 17 units of blood collected, which can help save up to 51 patients in need. Brazoria County Emergency Services District No. 3 provides Emergency Med- ical Service and Fire Suppression to 650 square miles, serving a population of over 86,000. The district includes 4 Emergency Medical Service providers and 9 volunteer and municipal Fire Departments. If you would like additional information regarding Brazoria County Emergency Services District No. 3, please visit our website , or call 281-519-8779 .
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