Keller - Roanoke - Northeast Fort Worth | February 2025

Its Reputation As a Ranch Pest Is Changing. The most common of the five species of prairie dogs in North America, these charismatic creatures today inhabit only about 2 percent of their native range, which once covered roughly 100 million acres of the Great Plains. Agriculture and urban development have consumed much of that habitat, and some ranch- ers, worried that these prairie dogs were competing with cattle for grass, exter- minated them. It turns out, though, that they are beneficial for grasslands. SO HOW DO THEY HELP? Prairie dogs nibble down the woody shrubs that could hide their predators and that often take over grasslands. This preserves habitat for birds and animals such as pronghorn. Plus, the rodents’ digging mixes and aerates the soil, and their scat provides nutrients. HOW DO WE KNOW FOR SURE? Scientists collected data from a group of GPS collar–wearing cattle that grazed on three pastures within a pre- serve. In warm seasons, the herd spent more time on the prairie dog colony than in areas outside it. I HEARD THEY CARRY PLAGUE. IS THAT TRUE? Prairie dogs are susceptible to the syl- vatic plague, caused by the same bac- terium as the bubonic plague. But it’s primarily fleas, not rodents, that spread it. At a respectful distance, you can en- joy them without fear. —Robyn Ross CRITTER BLACK�TAILED PRAIRIE DOG

early efforts to revive whooping cranes with captive breeding. During several breeding seasons in the late seventies and early eight- ies, he even lived in a shed with a female crane named Tex, who had imprinted on humans after hatching at the San Antonio Zoo. “Cranes require a great deal of space,” Ar- chibald said. “Each species selects a different type of wetland or grassland.” Unfortunately, those are some of the most easily destroyed habitats: With no trees to cut down, develop- ers can simply pave them over. Captive breed- ing has played a crucial role in the comeback of the species. In the past decade, the Dallas Zoo has picked up the baton, as one of seven organizations in the U.S. and Canada to carry on Archibald’s legacy of breeding baby whoop- ing cranes to release in the wild.

1941 only 21 whooping cranes were left in the wild. Today, after decades of extensive conservation work, there are about 700 wild whoopers left. Wherever there are cranes, there are crani- acs. The birders who visit Port Aransas—“We estimate the economic impact to be near $1 million,” says Brett Stawar, president and CEO of the town’s tourism bureau—bring with them an intense enthusiasm. The undisputed king of the craniacs is George Archibald, the 78-year-old cofounder of the International Crane Foundation. Archibald was a leader in

A birder at Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center, in Port Aransas, on December 14, 2024; birders in Port Aransas; a sign at the preserve.



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