Plano North January 2022

Early Voting Starts Feb 14th! Primary Election Day March 1st!

For the Republican Party to be truly competitive, we have to expand our base to new demographics. My name is Dr. Matt Rostami, I am an eye surgeon in Frisco. I am the founder of Lone Star Eye Specialists. We must reach out to independents, minorities, and most importantly the YOUTH! We appeal to these groups by leading on issues like healthcare that I am an expert on. We must talk to people as individuals not as groups because identity politics does not work. We have to start seeing each other as Americans First.

At this point you’re thinking, “I’ve heard this before, why will it be different this time?” This time you have me. I am the man that can get this done, my life experiences and accomplishments are living proof that in this country hard work pays. We must speak out against the Woke Democrats who say America is a racist country, and if you love this country as much as I do regardless of race or religion, then help me MAKE and KEEP this country GREAT.



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