Leander - Liberty Hill Edition | February 2025


Council seats up for grabs in Liberty Hill, Leander Liberty Hill and Leander will hold City Council elections May 3. Each city has the following council seats open for the upcoming election. Liberty Hill Mayor Crystal Mancilla, Place 2 council mem- ber Michael Helbing and Place 4 council member Amanda Young will see their terms expire in May, and their positions will be on the ballot, accord- ing to the city. Additionally, the new Place 6 seat will be on the ballot for the first time after Liberty Hill voters supported the city adopting its own charter. Because officials are elected for three-year terms, the state dictates candidates must receive more than half of votes cast, not a simple major- ity, to win, according to the city.

Liberty Hill doubles wastewater fees Liberty Hill City Council approved updated wastewater impact fees, nearly doubling the amount of the fees, at its Jan. 22 meeting. The fees were previously set at $5,261 per living unit equivalent beginning May 22, but as of Jan. 22, the fees are set at $11,329, according to agenda documents. How we got here After reviewing the city’s previous capital improvement plan, the city’s capital improve- ments advisory committee recommend impact fees be raised from $4,000 per LUE to $5,260 per LUE, which council approved in May 2024. After reviewing an updated impact fee report in December, the CIAC determined council should adopt a wastewater impact fee of $11,329 per LUE, per the documents.

Dates to know

Last day to register: April 3

Early voting period: April 22-29

Election Day: May 3


Leander Place 1 council member Kathryn Pan-

talion-Parker, Place 3 council member David McDonald and Place 5 council member Chris Czernek will see their spots up for election, according to the city’s website. Leander City Council members are also elected for three-year terms, and the seats are also at-large, according to the website. Note: Deadline for candidate filing was Feb. 14, after press time.



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