Already have solar? HESOLAR is now installing batteries for all solar owners.
Home Batteries are becoming more and more popular…. Since the winter storm of 2021, we’ve seen a huge increase in demand for home batteries. Home batteries can compliment solar panels and provide the following benefits for homeowners: The Hoffman Brothers have been installing solar panels and battery back up for over 10 years! Tradi- tionally, we only added batteries for existing HESO- LAR customers. We are happy to announce that we will begin installing batteries for ALL solar owners, reagardless of original installer. The addition of batteries to a solar panel system allows the homeowner to back up their loads and continue to use their solar panels during a power outage. Multiple batteries can be stacked to back up an entire home! Keep the lights on during a power outage.
Use more of your solar energy.
Without batteries, a lot of the energy produced by solar panels on a home will flow back into the grid. With batteries, excess solar energy can be stored in the batteries instead of exporting to the grid. The solar energy that is stored in the batteries can be used to feed the home loads later on in the day or later at night. Best of all, more savings! – Many Texans have experi- enced an increase in their electricity rates. At the same time, some electric providers are starting to provide less credit for exported solar energy (what gives?) Batteries help homeowners use more of their solar energy resulting in even lower electric bills. Transportation Independence. Electric vehicles can charge directly from solar panels and home batteries allowing you to stay on the move during an extended grid outage. The Hoffman Brothers are helping current customers prepare for future Vehicle to Home applications where you can use an electric vehicle to assist a home energy system during a power outage.
Tax Credit.
Tax credit update! Solar and batteries are eligible for a 30% tax credit. This means that 30% of what you spend on solar and batteries may be eligible as a credit on your taxes.
for energy independence throughout the year.
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Every design. Every installation. By The Hoffman Brothers. TECL #28865
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