Georgetown Edition | April 2023



What are some of the biggest challenges facing Georgetown ISD, and how would you work to address them? I believe attracting the best quali‚ed teach- er candidates along with retaining our best teachers are two of the biggest challenges facing Georgetown ISD. I will continue advocating for our teachers to receive competitive compensations along with pro- viding additional support for our existing teachers. Staying ahead of our rapid growth is another major challenge facing GISD. I will help guide our district to ensure sound decisions are made when considering both immediate and future growth impacts. Students across the board are struggling to learn the state-expected curriculum. This issue preceded the pandemic, but we are now facing increased de‚cit gaps. The board is responsible for setting the expectation and direction while the district determines how that is to be accomplished. We must be transparent on a quarterly basis with our data, whether it is STAAR, attendance, MAPS, MClass, discipline, etc. if we want to improve.

How should the district plan for future growth and decide when to call another bond election? I would look to staˆ for assessments on facilities, demographers to assess growth needs, and then ask the community to identify priority projects and tolerance for new tax burdens. Asking the community for their perspective and preference is key when calling for another bond election.

Georgetown ISD board of trustees Place 4

Why are you the best candidate for this position?

Occupation: VP, business relationship manager Relevant experience: MARCOS GONZALEZ

I currently have two kids at GISD, and my wife is a teacher. I am also a multigenerational graduate of GISD. I have ‚rsthand knowledge of what kids, teachers, and families in GISD experience and want for their futures. Com- bined with my previous experience on the board, I can best guide the district forward to meet the needs of both students and staˆ.

19 years nancial industry, husband to current East View teacher, father to two GISD students

I gave 30 years to public education with 23 of them in GISD, and I’m still giving my time. I know how to make a good school district great for we were once that district. I’ve dedicated my life to working with parents, children and serving the community to make this the best place to raise your family. To be eˆective, you must do the work. I have served 2.5 years and I’m not done.

We all see the many rooftops going up across the district. Not every home will have children who will be attend- ing the public schools, but we need to work with the Realtors, developers, and demographers to stay ahead of the growth. In my tenure, demographers were often wrong when it came to how many children would be in each building, thereby causing overcrowding in some schools. Constant communication and evaluation of the data is needed ...

Occupation: retired li- censed specialist of school psychology/director of special education at GISD Relevant experience: 30 years in public education STEPHANIE A. BLANCK as a licensed specialist of school psychology, assistant principal and director of special education Facebook: Stephanie Blanck - GISD School Board Place #4

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