South Central Austin Edition | September 2022

in full. A homeowner with a $500,000 property would pay $50 more per year in property taxes with the increase. In the wake of the deadly May school shooting in Uvalde, AISD interim Superintendent Anthony Mays stressed that the central plank of the bond is security upgrades. “Safety is our top priority, and that is reected in this bond,” Mays said during an Aug. 12 press conference. Building the bond After successfully passing a $1.05 billion bond in 2017, AISD began planning for another bond in sum- mer 2021 by assessing campuses and facilities. Long-range planning com- mittees made up of students, commu- nity members and district personnel then collaborated to develop a list of potential projects. In Texas, school districts use bond dollars for major facility projects. Bond dollars are not subject to recapture—a process in which prop- erty-wealthy school districts have to pay into the state. As AISD is slated to send nearly $850 million—or a little over half of the district’s $1.68 billion 2022-23 budget—the bond oers the district a funding lifeline, AISD Chief Financial Ocer Eduardo Ramos said. “Because bond funding is not

School. Full modernization means the school will be rebuilt or renovated entirely. Included in Proposition A are funds for either full or phased moderniza- tions of 25 of the district’s schools. Phased modernizations involve rebuilding campuses in steps. Fund- ing from the 2022 bond would pay for some projects, while other steps were either previously funded through past bonds or would require an additional round of bond funds approved by vot- ers in the future. The district said it chose campuses with aging or insucient infrastruc- ture for the renovations. One exam- ple is Travis ECHS, which has several issues including a spot of termite damage that has been unrepaired since 2006. “The students that we have within our schools currently deserve the modernized facilities, and we want to be able to provide the absolute best educational experience for all of our students,” Mays said. Nearly $30 million is allocated to install secure entry vestibules—a set of double doors that require a sta member to buzz guests inside—at 84 campuses. Additionally, Proposition A also includes new keys, locks and fenc- ing for some campuses; upgrades to HVAC systems, plumbing and life safety systems; and nearly $26 million for new school buses. Athletic facilities at each compre- hensive high school would receive upgrades. Mental health centers will be built or upgraded at 42 campuses, including at LASA High School and Bryker Woods Elementary School. The second Proposition, B, is val- ued at $75.54 million and would fund technology improvements. Of that, $45 million would be dedicated to pur- chasing devices for students and sta, and $10 million would go to updating

subject to the state’s recapture for- mula, 100% of bond dollars will stay in Austin ISD for the benet of our students and sta,” Ramos said at an Aug. 12 press conference. Another main concern for district ocials was ensuring equity among the dierent campuses. Mays said one of the major goals of the bond funding is to close student achievement gaps for those students attending Title 1 schools. To be classi- ed as a Title 1 school, at least 40% of students must be considered econom- ically disadvantaged. In 2021-22, 51.3% of AISD students were considered economically dis- advantaged. At the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, 72 campuses in the district are Title 1. “This bond directs more resources to Title 1 schools than any previous bond both in total and by percentage,” Mays said. In the budget The rst, and largest, of the prop- ositions—Proposition A—is valued at $2.32 billion. The major items include safety upgrades, infrastructure improvements, school moderniza- tions and new school buses. The project with the largest price tag at $251.46 million is a full modern- ization of Travis Early College High


of them to support this $2.44 billion,” Rodriguez said. “It’s an investment in our community.” The package, which will appear as three propositions on voters’ ballots, includes funding for infrastructure improvements, school moderniza- tions, security measures, technology upgrades, athletic facility renovations and other projects. District ocials said a $0.01 increase per $100 of taxable property value to the debt service tax rate would likely be necessary if the package is passed THE BOND breakdown The Austin ISD bond package is made up of three propositions that will be voted on individually.

Prop A: $2.32 Billion

Funds campus modernizations, new buses, security upgrades and improvements on HVAC systems, plumbing and life safety systems at various locations

Prop C: $47.43 million Funds upgrades for district athletic facilities The Burger Athletic Complex, Noack Sports Complex, Delco Activity Center and Nelson Field would receive upgrades. Prop B: $75.54 million Funds technology upgrades including new devices for students and teachers


If the bond package passes:

the bond Here is how the total tax rate would change if the bond package passes in full using a home with $500,000 in taxable value as an example.

= X $0.9666/100 $500,000 $4,833

If the bond package fails:

= X $0.9566/100 $500,000




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